Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Best way from Airport to Andels hotel

I am travelling to Prague on Saturday. I know this question has been asked many times (unfortunately I can%26#39;t find the posts!) but what is the best way to get from the Airport to the Andels hotel?



Depends what you mean by %26quot;best%26quot;? Cheapest, quickest or most comfortable?

You can get there by public transport for 20 crowns, or by taxi for aboput 650 to 700 crowns. You can also have the hotel send you one of their cars and you can charge the transfer to your room


I think probably the quickest and most comfortable as it will be later on when we are arriving at the airport. Are there any shuttle buses or decent taxis to use?



Taxis outside the airport should cost you no more than 700 crowns door to door. If you don%26#39;t have local money, you can have the hotel pick you up and charge to your room for slightly more

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