Saturday, April 21, 2012


Hi all,

Can anyone tell me of any orphanages in or very near to prague. My boyfriend and I are leaving on thursday and have some toys etc for the kids.

Would this be offensive to the orphanages? Anywhere else I have visited have been glad of the donations.

Thanks to all and hope you all have great trips.


Most ophanages I know are outside of Prague. It sounds a corny name, but the only one in Prague I know of is Detsky Domov Hillary Clinton, which is attached to the Vinohrady hospital. The oprhonage is near to the Flora metro at Ricanska 1 in Prague 10

If you contact them in advance, so that they don%26#39;t think your visit is to adopt children or for surrepticious means, I am sure that you will be given a very warm welcome for a generous gesture and will feel happy that you have helped

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