Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Czech music

Hi there. I went to Latvia in October 2005 and remember hearing a really catchy tune in a club. When I was in Prague last week I heard the same tune 3 times on the radio. I was wondering if anyone would possibly be able to ID the track if I could upload it somewhere, or maybe if someone could give me a link to somewhere where I can listen to samples of the latest chart music to see if I can ID it myself? I think these two ways are the only ways I will ever find out the track... Thanks for any help.


there are lots of cathy tunes played on the radio a number of times, so without further description (English or Czech song for example), I think it will be very difficult to help you


Apologies, I found the tune anyway! It was %26quot;La Camisa Negra%26quot; by Juanes, which conviniently enough for me was sat at the top of the Czech charts for the week I went, and was one of the few tunes I recognised the name of. One google search later and I was happy! Thanks anyway.

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