Saturday, April 21, 2012

What to wear this weekend?!

We understand that it is really cold in Prague at the moment. Does anyone know how cold it will be this weekend. I heard there may be snow!? Any local insight as I need to know what to pack?!!


forecast today says will hover between minus 5 and plus 2 with snow / sleet today and tomorrow and sunny on Sunday. After the really cold weather in the past weeks, it actually feels quite warm now.

As its wet, bring a good waterproof coat, layers are better than thick clothes. Still bring a hat, gloves and some good soled shoes / boots which keep your feet warm and cushioning from all the cobbles. Streets are a bit mucky, so don%26#39;t bring your best shoes and trousers, unless you want to ruin them.


Just come back and it is cold but generally not too bad, bring a few layers and you will be fine, gloves are also important. A hat is optional i personally didnt feel the need but i would take one just incase. A scarf is also a good idea just to keep your neck warm.


Thanks guys!! That is really helpful. I have just put an umbrella in my case. Also, good point about cobbles! They can be a nightmare to walk on so have added a pair of rubber soled shoes!!

Thanks again!

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