Friday, March 23, 2012

Catholic Church Services

We are visiting Prague during the first week of May and staying at the Prague Centre Hotel. I would like to know where my family can attend mass in a Catholic church during our stay. We are staying at the Prague Centre Hotel


These are the ones I know:

Church of Our Lady Victorious (the Prague Bambino), Prague 1, Karmelitská 9, Sundays at 12.00h

St. Thomas Church, Prague 1 - Malá Strana, Josefská 8, Sundays at 11.00 and Saturdays at 6.00

It would be goo to check times, when you are here.


Thanks Martina


Hi, take a look on

There you can find information about all (catholic) churches and mass times in Prague.

bohosluzby...mass, service

Rímskokatolická církev...catholich church



Prague is devided into 10 districts, the city center and the old town belong to the 1st (Praha 1)!!

My favourite mass time is 9 pm in Tyn-church on the square which I normally always attend when being in Praque or otherwise in Najsv. Trojice church next to Charles%26#39; bridge at 8:00 pm!!

Enjoy this most wonderful city!!

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