Friday, March 23, 2012

Crossing the road

Be very carefull when crossing roads controlled by pedestrian lights. Do not cross against the red light. We crossed an empty road and was stopped by the police , had a lecture and a 300 crowns on the spot fine. Make sure you carry some form of identification. Does not have to be your passport. Can be one issued by your hotel.


Did he give you a ticket (or paper with numbers on them that look like coupons? If not, he kept the money for himself.


To brewster: Yes we received what looked like coupons and official although we did have our doubts after seeing a police uniform in a shop window.


Also keep your wits about you when crossing the road when the green light shows. Vehicles are still able to pass over the crossing. They are supposed to give way to pedestrians but some of them are mad!!

Apparently, there are many casualties on pedestrian crossings in the Czech Republic.


It has been only a few year established in law that the cars have to stop at the zebra crossing to give way; I am not trying to excuse them, drivers in Prague are quite agressive in general. There are millions of tourists in Prague, which often walking thoughtless on the streets as well...

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