Friday, March 30, 2012

Feedback on the Heineken Experience, Amsterdam

Dear all,

As an employee @ Heineken Experience I am currently doing research on how we can convert our building into an even better (more informative, more thrilling) experience. Those of you who have been here could you tell me your particular likes/dislikes/suggestions? And what are your expectations from an attraction like the Heineken Experience? Thanks!


Wrong forum? BTW: Heineken tase like water compared to the golden brew in Czech republic!!


Think you are completely the wrong forum.

Anyway, since you asked, I will give my two cents worth. Heineken is a watered down gassy european lager (otherwise known as europ**s) which should be used to water the streets and cannot be compared in any way to even the worse Czech beer. Perhaps if you sold brought in some Czech brewers, you may be able to enhance the Heineken Experience

What I really admire though is that because Heineken is so bad, what they do is reinvent the same thing under a red Amstel beer label and it sells.

The Heineken adverts in the 1970%26#39;s and 1980%26#39;s were good though


Bulldoze the building and turn it into a brewery making Pilser Urquell under license.



Unlike the other rude replies you%26#39;ve had I can see why you are using this apparantly wrong forum. You are not telling people about your brewery you are asking for help to make it an even better one, and Prague is a good place to start as it is chock full of breweries.

Right, I%26#39;ve been round the Staropramen brewery, which in my humble opinion makes better beer than Pilsner Urquell, and been to the Heineken Experience in Amsterdam.

The Heineken Experience is more of a theme park than a brewery and as such was great fun to go round, Staropramen was more interesting for adults as you actually see real beer being made.

I think with the Heineken Experience you should just continue in the way you are going with more fun gadgets and %26#39;rides%26#39;. You can%26#39;t compete with Czech beers for taste so keeping the fun side to the fore is the best way to carry on.


ps Even though I said your replies were rude will you still be my friends x


Jackie,I was not trying to be rude,but be amusing,I am sure MrNoltes would realise I was not being too serious.Though I still think my idea is a good one.

I would rather have a real Castle than a Disneyland one.


thought unclegus%26#39; reply was first rate and made me hoot.

Starompramen better than Pilsner Urquell? I know that each of us has different tastes, but am sure very few of the locals will agree on that. Most people avoid anything produced by the Prague Brewery like the plague if they can get other stuff


Priceless I%26#39;m heartbroken that I%26#39;ve been away from my PC all day.

I%26#39;m resisting giving you an answer to this question as I can%26#39;t word it politely enough to go on a public board.

I%26#39;d opt for Staropramen or Budvar to sell instead, Urquell if I have to.


Rude? Who%26#39;s really rude? I%26#39;ll find Mr. Nolte and his brewery rude. It%26#39;s a well known fact that Prague attracts tourists from all over the world cause of the quality of the beer.

The big breweries buys up the czech breweries and quality are decreasing. Staropramen is an example of that after Interbrew took over. Not to mentioned Branik (the brewery were Vaclav Havel worked) which they shut down.

I hope that the czech breweries will be in business for a long time to come, and that its beers will remain as delecious as they are at present. Somehow I%26#39;m afraid that that is not going to last. Where Heineken and such breweries are operating, that does%26#39;nt happen.

I googled Heineken, and found this beer comercial from Heineken:…

A big joke, is%26#39;nt? Keep your hands away from the Prague beer scene.

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