Friday, March 30, 2012

Charles Bridge restoration

I just heard that the Charles Bridge is going to be undergoing a major restoration this summer, which may last 2 years. I%26#39;ve been planning to visit Prague for a long time but this may force me to hurry, since one of the reasons I want to go is to take lots of arty pictures of the Charles bridge, and I don%26#39;t want to go when it%26#39;s covered in scaffolding and tarp.

Can anyone tell me when this restoration is going to start? Is the bridge already affected by any preparatory work? If I went in May or June would I still get to see the bridge in its full glory before the contruction workers descend? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!


No one knows yet, as it needs to be approved by the city council and they are still arguing how to repair the bridge.

I had heard June as a start, but this is no guarantee that they will not start earlier. What they are discussing is what they are going to do - they have the choice of whether to shut the whole thing down for a year or shut half of it (a rolling half) for 2 years.

Most commentators suggest the latter will happen, and so whilst you would be able to walk over half of the bridge (will get very crowded in peak tourist time), the panorama from the bridge over building works may not be the best. Equally, photographs of the bridge and the castle will not be the same.

Even if they do repair it when you come, don%26#39;t bleat that this is unfair for tourists, etc., etc. How many other cities have you been to where some cathedral, church, bridge, monument, etc. is under scaffolding beinbg repaired, ruining that coveted photo shot? Prague is doing nothing different from anywhere else in protecting its heritage, before it falls down.


Thanks for the reply. I don%26#39;t think it%26#39;s unfair that Prague should restore the bridge at all, of course a city must protect its heritage. I just want to be able to time a visit so that I personally avoid the %26#39;scaffolding%26#39; because a large part of the reason I want to go to Prague is to take pictures. Perhaps I will see if I am able to come in May, and hopefully they will not have started any restoring by then. I think the Prague Spring festival will also be on then too.


Prague Spring music festival is indeed on in May and it is normally very good


This is horrible news! I%26#39;ve been planning a trip to Prague for 8 months (to go in July). Where can I find out more information about the construction? This may be my one and only trip to Prague and I don%26#39;t want to go if the bridge is closed.


Tell you what - give them a ring and I%26#39;m sure they will keep it open just for you

Been to Venice lately ??


Yesterday on Czech TV news was said that the reconstruction of Charles bridge should begin in the summer of this year. It should take two years and it should be done like a tourist attraction (e.g. under the bridge in the Lessr Town side will be installed open-sky workshop where will be prepared manually new stones). The most important message is the Chrles bridge should remain open during the whole reconstruction.


Although Charles bridge usually is an important part of any trip intinery to Prague, it is beautiful and it should be seen (however I personally think its best getting up early about 7.30 am and you%26#39;ll almost get it to yourself truly wonderful). As it is such an important part of the tourist industry it is obviously in desperate need of repair for this even to be considered.

The one thing I do just want to say is that Prague is so beautiful and there%26#39;s so much to see and do that although it would be disappointing to a first time visitor I would not let it put me off. Get a taste for Prague and then go back time and time again.

PS whats going on in Venice, I%26#39;m going at end of March?


Nothing Sarah - don%26#39;t worry

My point was as yours - Theres so much to see in any city that even if the bridge was completely closed (which it apparently won%26#39;t be - is that a good enough reason to not visit Prague ??

Venice has undergone major enhancements to lots of important buildings as you will see on the canals by the scaffolding but this is done so sympathetically it is sometimes not noticable.

St Pauls in London the same - would you not visit London if you could not see the %26#39;little chapel where princess Di got wed%26#39;?

Venice is fab - enjoy


Nope nothing would stop me going on a trip. I just like to be prepared. Also absolutely nothing would stop me from going to Prague.


I was in Prague during the floods of 2002,when all the bridges across the river were closed,some opened after a day or two,but Charles bridge never did.I had luckly been over it several times before,but my friend had not been.We got close enough to the bridge for a few unique photos.It did not distract from what was a wonderful holiday,and since have been to Prague twice.

Prague has a lot to offer ,historically,culturally and socially,the restoration of one bridge should not detract you from visiting the wonderful city of Prague.

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