Friday, March 30, 2012

can someone translate please?

bought one of my nephews a Gambrinus t-shirt with the message %26quot;chut,ktera dela pratele%26quot;,can anyone tell me what it says?

he is nearly 18 so it doesn%26#39;t matter if it%26#39;s rude.



I get that to be

Taste which makes friends

(but the guys will correct me if I%26#39;m wrong)


thanks sarah,that sounds good.

Btw got my becherovka as well as some becherovka scented candles (in a gift pack)the candles are small glasses that can used when finished.


The translation made by Sarah is absolutelly OK! Sarah I admire your knowladge of the Czech language.


Thanks I%26#39;m much better with written than spoken, I really need to find myself a teacher near home so I can get on with it. That and another 3 hours in every day.

Becherovka scented candles sound fantastic, where did you pick those up?


sarah ,got a gift pack of becherovka(70cl) with the candles for 289Ckz in tesco,also had other gift combinations.

Btw am burning the candles just now and they have little or no scent.


Were you spending those euro%26#39;s in Tesco Gus? Don%26#39;t think I%26#39;ll bother if not scented, we got all sorts of goodies from the Jan Becher museum in Karlovy Vary, including glasses, aprons, pens, the metal plate thing with the old becherovka advert on. The woman working there thought we were mad.


I spent a fortune in the Plzen brewery on various items,but even more in the shop attached to the U Medidku resturant(Just across the road from Tesco)It has a fantastic shop with all sorts of beer glasses,table cloths,t-shirts and other goodies all beer related .............wonderful.


sorry sarah.....meant to say,i left my Euros at home and used Czech Crowns........much more useful.


Thats what I%26#39;d take too but thought you might be tempted. Hurry up with this trip report can%26#39;t wait to see what you got upto;-)


I am busy trying to compile a photo album for some friends at the moment.I still have to gather all my notes together to compile the report.i reckon it will take about a week to sort out.outting it on a word Document first ,then will cut and paste for this forum.

I am still trying to sort out all my gear from the holiday,catch up on sleep and then get sober for work on Monday.

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