Friday, March 30, 2012


can anyone give me information about tipping regarding taxi, waiters, hotel staff, etc.?


You can round up to the nearest 10, but if the service is special you can tip like u do in US.


Nearest fifty or hundred, if the service is good; in other words, leave the coins


We were told to make sure we tipped for the service when the waiter gave us the check. The waiter/waitress will have hurt feelings we were told, if you don%26#39;t give the tip directly to them. Otherwise, if you leave it on the table like you do in America, the person responsible may not get the tip you wanted them to have. Food and beverages are very reasonable in Prague...and we tipped where ever we could, to help the folks out and it was nice to see a smile in return.


Hi local experts,

Can anyone tell me whether we should tip to hotel staff, such as bed making people or door men? If so, how much is appropriate?



where ever I go in the world, the one tip I always leave is for the bedmakers/room cleaners, dont know why but I always have



I was born and grown up in Tokyo/Japan where tipping is not really part of our culture. So, I’m very interested in learning how to tip when I visit foreign countries.

(just fyi, if you ever visit Japan, you won’t have to leave any tip at hotel/restaurant/taxi. All services will be included in your bill.) :-)



I think the norm seems to be in europe from my experience is if you have had a good service tip, if the service has not been good do not tip, in prague I think peb said round up to the nearest fifty/hundred seems the norm.

The reason I always leave a tip for the bedmaker/cleaner is that they do a job I am happy not to do when on hols , so I tip them.

The only problem is some countries expect a tip( venice is one in my experience) and some countries do not (malaysia)although the service in malaysia is always great

hope I have not complicated your thoughts




The roundup method works for me plus a few coins depending on the difference. I also tip better in places I go regularly. If I%26#39;ve paid by credit card then I scrub out the tip line and give the waiter a cash tip instead. Don%26#39;t leave the tip on the table as mentioned earlier. Either tell the waiter how much to keep or give him the coins straight back.

Be careful when leaving a tip for the bedmaker/cleaner as when you check out it is generally not one of these people who checks your room. If you want to give these people a tip then give it to them when you see them. How much is up to you but I would go on around 50kc per day. Bell Boys etc are used to people not having any coins when they arrive so they only expect tips from people leaving.



Thanks jas about the leaving money in the room , never thought anyone but the cleaner would go in the room, will give the tip personally in future



Sova, thanks a lot for the info re a tip for the bedmaker/cleaner! The info is sooo helpful since I%26#39;ll be in Prague next Monday.

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