Friday, March 30, 2012

flights from the north?

hi im looking to go to prague for a few days went nov 2004 with bmi baby from teeside but it looks like they dont do that route anymore,does anyone know what reasonably priced airlines travel from teeside or newcastle to prague,some of the prices im being quoted are silly,



Easyjet flies Newcastle to Prague. not aware of any flights from Teeside. Further south, flies from Donaster and flies from Leeds/Bradford


easy jet fly from Newcastle and CSA from Edinburgh.

You may find with BMI baby as with the other low-cost carriers that the flights sheduals are not released till about 6 months before the flights.keep your eye out for them or get the carriers to give you email updates.


thanks ill try that,unclegus you just got back yea?any tips for eating drinking sightseeing etc,when we went last time we spent most nights in rocky orielys,


I will be doing a full report ,should have it posted in about a week or so,sooner if I get time.I will include a few websites youcan look at.follow Jason,Pebs and martinas advice and you won%26#39;t go far wrong.

I would say listen to Sarah,but she is such a sweet romatic soul,you might end up buying flowers(blue ones) and getting married in Prague.


Gosh that%26#39;s the nicest thing Unclegus has ever said about me (he%26#39;s usually accusing me of being an old drunk!)


It is amazing how a week in Prague can mellow me sarah.

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