Tuesday, April 24, 2012

old town or castle area to stay?

better to stay in old town area or right by castle...how far are they from eachother on foot?


old town and castle area are 20 minutes between - they span both sides of the river. Castle area tends to be quieter, but if you stay halfway up the hill in the castle area, ask yourself do you want to walk up the hill every day at least twice. There are though many good hotels down the bottom of the hill in Mala Strana


ive been to prague 4 times and stayed by the castle and belive me you dont want to be walking up and down to it more than you have to(my husband had to pull me several times)as its very steep.we have also stayed nearer the bridge(quiet)in the lesser town and in the old town twice.My advice is the old town. Good luck its a beautiful city.


I would go with an Old Town hotel for your first trip to Prague. We stayed there last March at Hotel Metamorphis. The city is very easy to to walk around. If you want a Mala Strana location, you might try a hotel closer to the bridge and avoid the hill.


We come to Prague regularly and always stay in the old Town area. Had a change and stayed in apartments on the riverside last time - opposite the dancing buildings and about a 20 minute walk to everything.

Spoiled the holiday really, as it was an effort to go out every night knowing we had a long walk home.


If you stayed either in Mala Strana or the other side fairly close to the Charles Bridge in Old Town, you%26#39;d be within 15 minutes or so of the major attractions. The main thing: learn to use the trams and Metro. Our first trip we only walked and there were 12-15 mile days that left my legs numb. The second time we used the trams and subway and saw 3 times as much with 10% of the walking. We could get from our apartment on Malostranske Namesti to the State Opera at the top of Wenceslas Square(probably a 40 minute walk, maybe more) in 17 minutes by taking a tram one stop to the Metro and riding it to the Museum stop. The extended days passes are really cheap(about $9 for a week) and even include the funicular that goes up Petrin Hill and buses to more outlying places.


We are also considering staying on the riverside across from Old Town (as HighlySociable did) and are wondering if the walk back each evening will be a problem. We are a large party (5 adults, 1 toddler) and are having problems finding accommodation, so our options are limited.


I was not staying in the Charles Bridge or Kampa Park area, but two bridges further down, were there was no access to trams or the Metro. It took around 30 minutes to walk to the main areas, but in cold weather and with 2 children in tow this was a bind.

If you are near the first two mentioned areas, you will be OK. Are you looking at hotels or apartments?

We always stay in apartments now as with 2 children we find it much cheaper and with apartments with 2 or 3 bedrooms we all get a bit of privacy.


Look at www.athos.cz for a good range of apartments all over Prague 1 and 2.


We are looking for apartments, as we thought we liked the idea of having a kitchen (we%26#39;ll be traveling with a 2-year-old).

Thanks for the website recommendation -- the Janacek Palace Apartments on that site looked apealling, but as you said, they are 2 bridges down from the Charles Bridge. Are these other bridges accessible to pedestrians, or are they for vehicular traffic only?

Perhaps we should look for alternatives in the Old Town, even if they are not as spacious...

The other accommodations I found were all near Wenceslas Square, which I understood is not very safe in the evening. Did you find this to be the case? I am also concerned about staying in a very noisy localle (we are traveling in July -- tourist season...).

Thanks for all your help. You%26#39;ve been a great help.


All bridges in that area are accessible to pedestrians.

Wenceslas Sqaure is safe. When I travel with my husband we stay in the Ambassador, which is on the sqaure. We only use apartments when we have the children with us. You won%26#39;t be spending much time there anyway as the majority of the sights are elsewhere. You may see stag parties wandering around, but we now deliberately avoid Friday and Saturday night stays to escape from these. Prague is also busy all year round. We have never been effected by excessive noise.

Look at their Vodickova 40 apartments as we will be staying in these later this month.

After Ballet 2

Thanks peb7. We are staying at the Don Giovanni Hotel, Vinohradska so will need to get back there at some stage - any further advice please?


Don Giovanni is next to Zelivskeho metro and from there you can get right to the centre (either Mustek or Starometska). Cafe Colonial is a good restaurant on Siroka street 100 metres from Starometska metro and about 15 - 20 minutes walk from the National theatre (or you can catch number 18 tram from outside the National Theatre to outside the Rudolfinium). With all late eats, I would advise booking in advance, as otherwise sometimes people get turned away because the chefs want to go home.

At the Don Giovanni, you will need to use public transport every day in and out and so you are best to buy either a 3 day metro ticket (cost 220 crowns) or a 7 day metro ticket (cost 280 crowns), just to avoid the hassle. You can buy these at the Prague Transport Authority Desk at the airport on the right once you have come through customs


Thanks peb this is really helpful.


VIP tickets

I have got VIP tickets for a Best of Mozart concert at the Estates Theatre ,does anyone know what I will actually get for my money

(1200kcz)?Not that I am bothered ,I know I will get good seats ,and i think the price is great compared to what i pay in Britain.


Load of tourist music played by a tourist orchestra with bits of Mozart being played; in other words, nothing like a proper classical concert. But at least the seats are good


thats what i though Peb,but thanks anyway.

the operas that are on in Prague during my stay i have seen before more than once,so i thought this might be a change.

so no free glass of champagne then?


no free champagne and definately no priority for your coat in the queue at the garderobe either


well we will just have to console ourselves in the pub afterwards.


You in a pub. Never!


Sarah,I am only visiting pubs in Prague so i can write a report about them on this forum.

normally you would never find me in one!

I do believe they serve alcohol in them,I wonder what it tastes like?


so good of you to provide a public service by testing the pubs out on our behalf. No idea on the alcohol front let me know if you think I%26#39;ll like it!


I sur will sarah....I know it is a lousy job ,but someone has to do it.

I just wish someone would pay me!


I%26#39;ll fight you for it! Wonder what sort of hourly rate we can charge for testing pubs?


Seriously, you can apply to the Prague City Council to act as a dummy to test out restaurants and pubs to see if you are being ripped off and that the pub is obeying licensing laws etc. They need foreigners to pose as tourists because when the local inspectors come in, they can spot them a mile

prague in feb

hi there . i will visting prague next month . i am an arab american whit ha darker skin. would that be a problem for me there ? and i am also intersted in doing some clubing would that fact that i have a dark skin be a problem?


If you stay in the tourist areas, you shouldn%26#39;t have much of a problem. you will expect to be questioned at the airport passport control, but it will be positively mild compared to the treatment that foreigners receive when they fly into America. Just remember, walking round saying I am an American in Europe doesn%26#39;t have the same effect that it did a few years ago


Peb, As an American and avid travelerI do not find your comments very kind. Is this what I have to look forward to in Prague?


I think Peb7 means there is absolutly nothing novel about Americans in Prague any more - we are just everyday normal there. In two previous visits we detected no animosity except when because of dress and perhaps appearence we were once mistaken for Russians. Of course as soon as we spoke everyone was smiling. Just don%26#39;t be pushy or too loud (Americans and Brits have a rep for that), and remember that Czechs are more formal with strangers than citizens of most English speaking nations are.


i travel a lot but i never been to prague before . and i%26#39;m very proud american and love my country like i%26#39;m every else love there%26#39;s but i fell if i%26#39;m not gonna be welcomed as an arab american in prague meybe i should look for another more american friendly country to visit.


I thought Peb%26#39;s comments were very accurate actually. As an englishman who has travelled to many countries I can confirm that the only real hassle I%26#39;ve ever had was when entering the USA.

As far as being made welcome. Being just another tourist and not being lound and brash might help.

Keep up the good work Peb.


why am i getting this feeling about the nigative attitude towards the united states from people here? if anything the united states did help most of the europian countrys in the 40s and still does . and i do understand about that american need to respect peoples cultures and all that . but when also the other countries should welcome there guests specially if they need there monet to help there economy.



I think you need to relax a bit, and not take things so personally. The fact is that not only is it no longer novel to be an %26quot;American traveling in Eastern Europe%26quot;, the fact is that the United States are not revered across the world. While it is true that the US has done much good over the years, our government%26#39;s policies of late are not embraced by much of the world, and not even by the majority of the United States. We have put ourselves in a position to be distrusted and disliked as a whole, more so than in recent memory. Not that this SHOULD be any reason to dislike any particular person just because he is an American, but the reality is that people are often, right or wrong, judged by the country that they hail from and thus grouped in with the overriding politics of that country.

I really don%26#39;t think that Prague would harbor any ill will toward you as an American or an Arab-American any more than any other country and I am surprised that you felt that Peb%26#39;s comments reflected that stance. In fact, I would bet you would be more welcome than in a country like France for instance.

As far as changing your travel to a more American-friendly country... if you find one, let me know.



Wow, sorry everyone. I commented because Peb made me feel like being an American was like being the village idiot. Fortunately, I am not. However, I get it that our President has really changed the way the rest of the world views us. Sadly. However, half of us did not vote for him and I think the world knows that too. My husband and I always embrace the local custom and try to speak the language to fit in as much as we can, not because we get negative reactions by being American but out of respect for the country. Travel has never been an unpleasant experience with the locals. As for the way foreigners are treated here....most of us are foreigners in some way and have to respect the security protocol after 9-11, otherwise we would be reliving that constantly. Cheers to all of you that travel and experience the wonderful places that are still safe to travel to, Prague being one of them. I for one, am enriched for it.


I have traveled to Europe ( England, Germany, Hungary and the Czech Rep....Prague and Cesky Krumlov) on both business and pleasure. I must say that I have never encountered any hostility based on my being an American. My wife and I tend to be %26quot;low key%26quot; people and appreciate the fact that the people in hotels and restarants are accomodating us by speaking our language. We used to joke that if we had any problems we would tell people that we were Canadian....not really we would never deny being American. However, it has never come to that.

If I were to rank European countries in how friendly they are to Americans, I would say that based on my experiences in Germany they are tops......Very friendly and interested in us. I do speak a little german so maybe that was a factor.

One side note. It makes sense but I always cuckle when my Italian surmane is pronounced perfectly in all parts of Europe but it gets butchered in all parts of the USA except the northeast.


I now realise that Americans are well balanced people

they have a chip on both shoulders.

get a life people Peb gave a very good answer to this question.

Hazahdeh will probably have more trouble getting back into his own country than getting into the Czech republic.

In the Czech republic they don%26#39;t ask you haow much money and what credit cards you have when you enter but they sure do in the states.

having a dark skin in Europe will give you less problems than having a dark skin in the states,no matter what your nationality.

Girls On Tour

Hi Everyone!

I%26#39;m a university student who is planning a trip to Prague with our american football team and cheerleaders in early April.

I%26#39;m doing a bit of research because for one night or day the cheerleaders are going to go off and do their own thing. Does anyone have any recommendations for a good night or day out for a bunch of young girls? I heard Tretter%26#39;s cocktail bar was good but any recommendations would be gratefully received!

Helz x


Jame on V Jame street just off Wenceslas Square is a close call on an authentic American college bar


For bars, Ocean Drive almost next to Tretters is also interesting. But both tend to be a 30ish crowd. Tretters can be cool but also sometimes can be a bit of a pick up bar. Another bar, that falls into that category, and has dancing, is Solidni Najistota (Solid Uncertainty):


I%26#39;ve heard La Fabrique can be fun but never been:


A younger cool bar is M1 Secret Lounge at Masna 1, near Old Town Square.


Another place is Chateau Bar, which is kind of a grungy bar upstairs and a disco downstairs (also near Old Town Square).


A cool, big beer hall you could try is U Vejvodu:



Oh yeah, and for a cool disco, you could try Radost FX. Funky bar/lounge with couchs upstairs, big disco downstairs. Also a decent vegetarian restaurant there (quesadillas and salads etc). Popular with hip Czechs.


general advice needed

me and my boyfriend are coming to prague sunday 19th feb to wednesday 22nd...its our first trip abroad so we%26#39;re kind of nervous about the language..i%26#39;ve got some basic phrases in my book but i was wondering if anyone had come across a specialist food glossary to use or whether this isnt really necessary. Also, whats the weather like at the moment and are there any activities or sights that we really shouldnt miss..are most tourist sights e.g. the castle closed on a monday?

thanks, cate



you do not need to worry about the language, when you have money and want something it is world wide that you will get understood?.

we have been a few times and have had no trouble at all even though we do not speak a word of czech i am embarassed to say.

i think you will find it is quieter on mondays than other days, but to get loads of info about everything, log on to livingprague.com

enjoy yourself




My new wife and I are also going to Prague dueing the same time period (arriving on Feb 16th and leaving on the 21st). We have done a lot of planning and would be happy to share what we have found.

Also, perhaps you would be interested in meeting up for a pint or two if time permits. If you would like, you can always e-mail me at jay.knott@comcast.net.

Looking forward to the trip...

Jay (and Lara)


B-girl, Prague is my favorite place in the world. It will be COLD! Learn to use the subway. You buy a ticket for a specific time-- the longer the less expensive. We usually get a three day pass. You stamp it the first time you use it and after that just make sure you have it if it is asked for either on the train or on the concourse. Very expensive if you don%26#39;t have one. Getting around on the subway with the map is easy and quick. There are pickpockets -- so be careful! Don%26#39;t keep anything of value in pants pockets and hold on to purse. We met a lady who had her purse unzipped, wallet taken and rezipped and she never knew. A man lost his wallet in the old %26quot;stuck subway door%26quot;trick. We had no language problems and ate only at Czech restaurants which are cheaper usually and why go to Prague for pizza? Many places can be reached by walking from one to the other except the castle. The shops around the Charles bridge are fascinating It really is a town for just poking around. If you get too cold try the hot wine sold in the central market. M.


Prague is my favourite place in the whole (so far), so much so we got married there last year. Our honeymoon was a tour of the Czech Republic. In all honesty language wise you will not struggle in Prague, however if you choose to venture further out then a phrase book and some language basics are very useful. But having said that on your first visit I%26#39;d stick to Prague there%26#39;s plenty to see and do.

February is cold wrap up warm with lots of layers cos its really warm when you get inside anywhere.

Shout up if you want anything else I usually pop on most days


thanks for all the advice, especially the website, i%26#39;ve printed off pretty much everything on there..i%26#39;ll warn you dukhi me and my boyfriend are only 18 and 19 respectively but if you think you could cope with us (we can be more grown up than expected) then i%26#39;ll mention meeting up to jay (my boyfriend%26#39;s name-what a coincidence!) and see what he thinks

thanks again,

cate xx


As dozydai rightly says, if you stay in the centre, most people you come acorss will speak English.

Yes the monuments are closed on Monday, but Prague castle is a public space so you wan wonder in and out of it on all days ,including Monday, and unless you don%26#39;t want to go in the actual buildings themselves, you can still spend a good day looking around.

When you come, bring warm clothes. Layers are better than heavy clothes, but bring good walking boots or shoes to walk on the cobbles, hat and gloves


Hi Cate...

Well, it%26#39;s getting close now -- have you finally got everything in order? I had to laugh that you would think that we might have an issue with the fact that you two are 18/19. LOL... you%26#39;re making me feel old now. Granted, we are 35 (Lara) and 38 (myself), but I shudder to think that we would ever act %26quot;old%26quot;. If you are %26quot;more mature than your age%26quot;... considering we are probably less mature than ours... we will probably get on just fine. If you and Jay (that is a coincidence) are interested, just drop me a note.


Ramada Grand Symphony Hotel

Hi all, myself and my partner are going to Prague in early February for 6 nights staying at the Ramada Grand Symphony on Charles square. Just trying to find out if any of you out there have stayed in this hotel and what did you think of it.

Many thanks,



Uf, you almost confused me. The Ramada Grand Symphony hotel is located on Wenceslas square - down town Prague. What to say - excellent location, high quality hotel. I am quite sure you will like it.



Ramada is indeed on Wenceslas Square. Look at the 9 reviews on the reviews section of this site. Most of them are very positive.

There is an excellent restauranat, Hot, just down the street


You are dead right Andy321 re the location of the hotel. I%26#39;ve done so many searches for a good hotel in a location that we want that my brain has become foggyy!!!! Wenceslas Square is where we want to stay and thanks a million for you comments, they are very helpful.

Peb7 also a big thanks to you for that tip on Hot close to the hotel, we will definitely try it out.

Thanks guys,



We stayed their in November this year. Really great hotel. Great location. No noise heard whatsoever. Got upgraded to luxury suite as we told them we were getting engaged whilst in prague (that was true!). Food really good and staff friendly. Im sure you%26#39;ll enjoy it.


FOr a few nights Ramada is perfect, but for 6 nights I would rather stay in all Suite hotel such as Julis www.hotlejulis.cz or Bohemia Plaza www.bohemiaplaza.com

The same location, better rooms/suites and even better rate.


Thanks Shelly and Klanovice for your tips and advice on the Ramada Grand Symphony hotel. They are very helpful. Looking forward to our visit to Prague.

Thanks again guys.


Hi Johnnyo,just returned yesterday from ramada symphony hotel,and can only rate it as excellent.Rooms/bathroom spacious,and although hotel is situated right on wenceslas square,and we were on 1st floor,heard no noise at all.Plus almost everything was witin walking distance,although plenty of local transport should you require it.Good little bar/restaurant almost opposite called%26quot;Rustica%26quot;,(down some stairs)about 50p a pint,good soup about the same,and a varied and reasonable menu.Have fun


Hi Caffreys, thanks for your great review on the Ramada. It%26#39;s really good to hear from someone who has just recently stayed there. We will definitely try out Rustic. Have a great Christmas and thanks again for the info.



Stayed in this hotel in August, it was very quiet and peaceful. Great hotel, but we didn%26#39;t like Wenceslas Square in the evenings.



returned yesterday from 3 nights in the ramada over the new year, great hotel with good location and will definetely go again, wont bore you any more but i have put a write up on the reviws section



I will be arriving in prague (praha) on the 28th March for 3 days with friend. I was wondering what is the best zone to stay in and what hotel would anyone recommend, I have never been before and would like to be faily central to %26quot;the action%26quot;.



stay in Prague 1. Look at the responses under the thread %26quot;old town or castle area to stay?%26quot;

wroclaw in april

hi, can someone tell me some good bars and erstaurants to visit in wroclaw. also what is there to do/see during the day. thanks.


Wroclaw is in Poland and not in the Czech Republic (although you can get to Wroclaw from Prague in about 4 or 5 hours). I would suggest you ask your question on the Wroclaw forum


Hi Frank

I see this is your first post, well as Peb said Wroclaw is in Poland, so go to the Wroclaw forum and post your question there.

You will also find hotel reviews there and pictures which may give you more of an idea of the place.

I%26#39;ve been and loved it



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Dimo taxis: review as promised

Just got back from what must be the coldest 7 days I have ever spent in Prague but even so it was still fantastic.

We used Dimo taxis and they were fantastic prompt and polite and the whole return transfers were only 840 korunas which is great for a taxi service and I will be using them again in December when my daughters and I will be visiting again.

If anyone needs any info just let me know.



glad you enjoyed yourself. never used this taxi service but they sound good, have they got a web site e mail address etc??



Hi Dave

I have dealt with David at Dimo he speaks very good english and his email is david.burdych@dimotaxi.cz

Dont forget to mention which terminal you are using as they operate from the new terminal but they have no problem picking up from north terminal 1.




Well done and thanks for the review. When I cam back last night, I don%26#39;t see a common Dimo stand outside Terminal 2 in the same way as you do with the Fix taxis at Terminal 1 (indeed the Fix taxis were the one%26#39;s queuing outside Terminal 2).

840 crowns is an excellent price for a return transfer (many taxi companies charge this for just one leg of the trip)



Thanks for this review. I will certainly give them a try. Which terminal do you come out of when flying in from UK?


When we arrived at north terminal 1 our driver was waiting with my name on a board we then went outside and the taxi was parked right there with the other taxis on the stand ,so much better than with the other company we used who parked in the multi storey car park,we had to lug our luggage quite a way then get into a crowded lift

Caz when you come in from the UK its to north terminal 1.



great info thanks



Glad I was able to help,Its nice to give something back



Newspapers this morning said that Dimo were thrown out of the deal to provide taxi services from the new airport Terminal 2 for %26quot;technical reasons%26quot;. AAA taxis, who are widely known as being the most reliable taxi company in Prague are slated to take over.

I might be sceptical, but I wonder whether Dimo%26#39;s proposal to provide taxi services from the airport to the city centre for 400 crowns (when the Fix taxis cost 600 crowns or so and Cedaz minibuses cost 480 crowns) had something to do with it? I can%26#39;t therefore see taxi prices going down significantly, but then your average AAA taxi driver doesn%26#39;t put your life in danger as much as your average Fix taxi driver.


Thats such a shame they gave such a good service and hopefully I will still be able to book them as I did this time,has anyone booked them since I posted my review?


As they picked you up before they recieved their airport licence, they should be able to pick you up in the same way even if someone else has the licence.

840 crowns is about as good as you can get for a return trip from and to the airport

Travel to Kutna Hora

I would to make like a day trip from Prague to Kutna Hora in late Feb (not an organised one).Can anyone please help me with train/bus information.


www.idos.cz click on union jack and then on bit that says Kombinace on bottom of left hand bit of the screen.


i will be going there in early March.

www.idos.cz will give you bus a train info,there are direct trains and many more that change in Kolin,buses are available too.

there is i believe a tourist information place directly opposite the train station in Kutna Hora.


sarah you must have nothing to do this afternoon,except go on the forums and look out the window at broken lamposts!


Got a desk full but having one of those days, and I%26#39;m working in Nottingham tomorrow. Not looking forward to a 3 to 4 hour commute.


We are also going to Kutna Hora in March by train. It is my understanding that the train station is actually in Seldec(sp) and from there you get a local train to Kutna Hora-Stare Mesto. Is that corrct ?


I don%26#39;t know Pat,I believe that you can walk or get a local bus to Sedlac and the main centre of Kutna Hora is only a short walk in the opposite direction.


If you are going on the direct trains to Kutna Hora, train station where the train stops is in Kutna Hora (Kutna Hora Hlavni nadrazi) which is a short walk from the centre of the city.

Unclegus is correct in that from the train station you catch a local bus to Sedlec (or you can walk in 30 minutes)


Maybe I am reading the map wrong. The train from Prague stops at Kutna Hora hl.n. Closer to the center of old town is another train station called Kutna Hora Mesto which looks to be connected to Kutna Hora hl.n but on another train line. I believe I was made aware of it in another post concerning Kutna Hora.

Either way, Unclegus, you will be going there before us so please post after your trip.


Patrobert. Fine, there are other branch stations around Kutna Hora, but, the direct trains from Prague to Kutna Hora only stop at the Kutna Hora central station, Kutna Hora hlavni nadrazi


Right back to Kutna Hora according to the lonely planet Prague trains stop only at Hlavni nadrazi (main train station) which is 3km northeast in Sedlec. Good connection to by local train (8 minutes) to Kutna Hora mesto station adjacent to the old town.

stag do beginning of april

hi i%26#39;m organising a stag do for 15+, for the first week of April, seeing as this is the first time any of us are going, can anyone recommend a good hotel to stay in ?

by good i would mean:

1. Nice, clean and comfortable, and most importantly a central location, so that the boys can go out and have fun without having to unduely worry about getting to the hotel.

any posts or suggestions would be most welecome.



Hotel city centre has been used by other stag parties reporting on this site and is on the edge of the old town, so you can walk to most things


hi what is the full name of %26#39;Hotel City Center%26#39;, as i cannot locate it.

and many thanks for your help!


Hotel City Centre, Revolucni 4



Try www.pragueexperience.com they have apartments on Wenclas square (spelling), above Marks and Spencer, seriously. We had 19 people last year, going back first weekend April in same place, only 8 this time. Clean and in the centre of everything. They are designed for stag do%26#39;s. They are not 5 star, but you do not need to get cabs anywhere.


we stayed at the hotel U ZLATY STROMU which has a lap dancing club in the basement(free to residents)its open from 8pm until 6am. They have a resturant that is also open all night(beer is 60p pint for residents). The rooms were suberb and breakfast was great. A double cost about £70 a night for 2 including breakfast(eat as much as you want). The web address is www.zlatystrom.cz. We have been to prague 4 times now and this is the best hotel we have stayed in for location,service ect. let me know how you get on.


have you decided where you are staying yet?


Take a look at www.livingprague.com/stag.htm and see if that helps you.


woman travelling alone in prague

i am going to prague for four days by myself in august. i would like any advice regarding accomodations, city touring and guides.


As long as you avoid running into the stag parties and take normal precuations against pickpockets, you should find Prague pretty safe, even after dark


There have also been a couple of long threads on this topic in the last few months. Type in %26quot;woman alone%26quot; in the search box to get the info.


health insurance/customs

Hi, When I booked my appt with Prague shuttle they disclosed that I may need to prove health insurance at the customs desk along with my passport. Is this true? Has anyone ever heard this before? Thanks!


It is a requirement that you need to be covered for health insurance to visit the Czech Republic if you are not an EU citizen. Although saying this, I have not encountered people being asked to show their health insurance at the border. Saying that, you would not be recommended to travel without valid insurance, just in case something happens.


hmmm, unusual, thanks peb, I have never had to worry about medical insurance before, I wonder if my current insurance card will suffice.


Most American insurers cover the Czech Republic - mine says I have more options there than at home (in Prague at least!)

Take your ins. card, but I bet you won%26#39;t be asked.




I%26#39;ve never been asked to show private health insurance as a tourist although it is a requirement to become resident. Beware that hospitals here will probably not accept your insurnce directly from you. As a non-Czech, if I require medical help I have to be %26quot;guaranteed%26quot; by a local clinic. In my case I have BUPA international insurance but, I belong to Unicare www.unicare.cz and they guarantee the payment to the hospital. Complicated system but, it works.


Czech wine

Of course I do know that the proper drink in Prague is beer, but we will probably like to have some wine when we are there too.

When checking out restaurant / café webpages, I have noticed that many, at least cheaper places, have mostly Czech wines. I must admit that my knowledge of Czech wine is non-existant, so I would like some tips on what is good, and what we should stay away from. I would appriaciate as precise tips as possible (wine names / producers).

Thanks in advance!


Czech wine is an acquired taste. Personal view is that reds are always behind in the quality stakes, especially Frankovka. Some acceptable white wines exist and the qulaity is getting better, but stay away from any Muller Thurgau or Riesling. If I am pushed to name a vineyard, Habanske Sklepy and Lobkowicz are the only two I would say you can avoid a bad experience with, but finding these wines in Prague restaurants is often not easy.

If you%26#39;re really interested, there is a good wine shop on Krizovnicka just past the Four Seasons near the Charles Bridge. They can arrange tastings and give you much more connoisseur advice than I can.

Best wishes to Tromso. Really lovely part of the world (apart from in the winter where you have little daylight)


Yes, I suspected that Czech wine might be an acquired taste (*lol*), so I really just wanted to know what to ask for in an emergency (that is if I couldn%26#39;t find any wines that I was remotely familiar with). Thanks for answering, peb7!

As for the polar night in Tromsø, it ended a few days ago, though we haven%26#39;t seen the sun yet, due to heavy clouds. But actually I like the dark period of the year, it gives me an opportunity to light candles and snuggle up with a book and a glass of wine - it%26#39;s a downright cozy season in my opinion.


Beware. Foreign wines in restaurants are expensive - but then I guess that you are used to that coming from norway


I%26#39;m not a wine expert, but when we were in Prague a couple of weeks ago we drank nothing but Czech red wine. I thought it was good, very enjoyable. it was not particularly expensive either. Hope you enjoy it!


I can reccomend the Muller Thurgau its very pallatable,I did not like the Riesling as I thought it tasted very musty.I can also reccomend Bohemian sekt brut it is a lovely light sparkling wine and really cheap as is the Muller,if still in doubt ask your restaurant to reccomend a good local wine I have heard many people do this and have never seen anyone dissapointed.



Squaremeal.cz has a good little wine guide (up to 1998) at http://www.squaremeal.cz/index.php?p=wine. It might be worth you getting the bus up to Melnik and visiting the Lobkowicz Chateau for some wine tasting. Buses leave from Holesovice and take about 30 mins to Melnik.


Hearts sign Czech players

My team have signed another 2 czech players

Martin Petras from Sparta and Ludek Straceny from Viktoria Zickov,anyone gor any info on them,and will they be as goos as RUDI SKACEL?

5 czech payers have now signed for the Heart of Midlothian maybe we should rename ourselves Heart of the Czech republic?


that should be as good as Rudi!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Petras is lazy. Straceny has a good prospect, but he is young (bring a Hearts flag to the Zizkov - budejovice game and they might let you in the VIP area). Skacel is a prima donna who can%26#39;t make the national team. Some agent who has good connections to the Lithuanian is probably on the make. GR is obviously thinking about European football next year.


thanks for the info Peb.The Hearts fans love RUDI,not just because of his goals,but because he does help inspire the team,and winds up the hearts fans,and taunts the the opposition fans,which has got him into a fair bit of trouble.

some strange goings on at Hearts,they have signed a young Goalkepper,till the end of the season,and have more players than they have ever had.Nice to see,but all the fans are beginning to worry about money,most players are on short term deals,or owned by the Lithiuanians bank.we all worry how much debt the club will bw in when he decidedes he wants to go.

Will be bringing my Hearts scarf to Prague,so see if thet gets me better seats?


Uncle Gus,

Bring two scarves and any other spare Hearts stuff... there%26#39;ll be a market for sure with the %26quot;swappers%26quot; and almost certainly some free beer.



will do jason.

i have a hearts /basel scarf..... a team we made good relationships with a couple of years ago.

I will be bringing a few hearts badges as well to swop/ give to kids as I usually do.


I%26#39;ve got some spare Leeds badges from our last trip if you want to take them too. Didn%26#39;t make to the Sparta match we%26#39;d planned, couldn%26#39;t get rid of the wedding guests in time!

Let me know and we%26#39;ll discuss a way to get them to you.

urgent -food

i am leaving for prague in the morning, please can anyone recommend a few good restaurants(czech style) near tulip terminus

i will go to KOGO but can anyone recommend more traditional restaurants



If you look at my post on this page -message for Peb- he has suggested Cervena Tabulka with the location, which is near Tulip Inn. It has a website with good Czech food choices, and is very reasonably priced.


Closest restaurant to this location for me to recommend would be %26quot;Hybernia%26quot; in the street Hybernska but, KOGO is only another 100 metres.



thanks i%26#39;m on my way now to the airport.

see you soon


Hi Jason

I just read someone purchased your starter pack, what is it and if I like the sound of it where do I get it from?





You will find this site invaluable.


Czech music

Hi there. I went to Latvia in October 2005 and remember hearing a really catchy tune in a club. When I was in Prague last week I heard the same tune 3 times on the radio. I was wondering if anyone would possibly be able to ID the track if I could upload it somewhere, or maybe if someone could give me a link to somewhere where I can listen to samples of the latest chart music to see if I can ID it myself? I think these two ways are the only ways I will ever find out the track... Thanks for any help.


there are lots of cathy tunes played on the radio a number of times, so without further description (English or Czech song for example), I think it will be very difficult to help you


Apologies, I found the tune anyway! It was %26quot;La Camisa Negra%26quot; by Juanes, which conviniently enough for me was sat at the top of the Czech charts for the week I went, and was one of the few tunes I recognised the name of. One google search later and I was happy! Thanks anyway.

which seats to choose for La Nozze di Figaro at Estate...

Hello and thanks to everyone for making trip planning so pleasant. I went on 2 different websites for opera tickets, onesite (www.ticketsbti.cz) had tickets that seems like the orchestra they were called pri p and were 1030CZ/ticket The other site (http://www.ticketsonline.cz) had tickets for 1000CZ and were called Boxes First Balcony the Middle - Front Seats / Lóže I. balkón støed - pøední místa. Could someone please tell me which is more preferable seating, we%26#39;ll be going with 3 children youngest 7, they%26#39;ll be able to sit.


I have been in the boxes on the first balcony at the Estates,from what I can remember,ther were only 3 seats in them,but there was room for 6 seats.I was there during the floods of 2002 and the theatre was very quiet,there was only the 2 of us in the box (no11).the theatre is quite small and i think you get a good view from any position in the theatre.I must admit the view I got from the box we had was great.The lower and higher number boxes will give a more side on view and the middle numbers a more central one.I think there is 18-20 boxes.when are you going,as i will be in the Estates again at the beginning of March.


We are going in April. From what I heard on the radio last night Mozart seemed to have had a love affair with Prague so we are can%26#39;t wait to go. The estates opera site informes one that his premiere of Don Giovanni was in Prague in 1787. There is lots of good opera on the schedule for March. So if you are interested, enjoy. The prices at estates is a fraction of the Met in NY.


I have been to see Don Giovani in the Estates threatre in 2002 ,it was fantastic,I will be there early March and will be going to see a programme of excerts from many of Mozarts operas.this is the 250th aniversary of his death.I will have a look around and give you an update on the place when I get back


Many thanks Gus, do you have a suggestion regarding which site to book the tickets with? So you%26#39;d say the box is just as good as the orchestra? I don%26#39;t know when in March you%26#39;re going but I saw the Magic Flute playing and some other great stuff. Do you have any other recommendations for Prague? The photos I%26#39;ve seen of Prague look spectacular.


www.estatestheatre.cz has a link to a seating plan.

I have booked my tickets through www.ticketsbti.cz and have arranged for them to go to my hotel.

I booked the VIP tickets,don%26#39;t know what I will get for that,but as it is very cheap compared to what I pay for concerts in Britain,I don%26#39;t mind........and I am on holiday,so I do like to treat myself.

there is usually lots of classical music on in Prague and I have been to concerts at the Municiple house,which is a fantastic venue(I will be doing a tour of it when in Prague).there are concerts held in the Rudolfinium,and at the state Opera and National theatre as well as many other places throughout the city.If you go to the Tourist office when you get there,they will have a list of what is a vailable and can usually sell you tickets.


Thanks, unfortunately we are only in town for three days so I am not sure how much music we will be able to experience. I see marionettes mentioned frequently in this forum, with 3 children in tow is that something you would recommend?


it is not something i have seen.I believe there is a childrenc museum in Prague.

if you go to www.livingprague.com there is a page about things to do for children in Prague.It is run by Jason (Sova) a regular and very helpful contributor to this forum,lots of other great information on all sorts if things and links to other great sites too.


Thanks so much, I did see it earlier and bookmarked it. Would you recommend his brochure

and map he sells?


that might be a good idea for you.and possibly one of the starter packs,I have been going to Prague for over 12 years now,and wish the information on his website was available to me years ago.

I don%26#39;t know about his map and what area it covers ,but I would think that for the short time you are in Prague it will be more than sufficient.I like to have a map that covers a wider area as I tend to visit further out than the main city centre and also like to have one that incorporates the Tram routes.

If you do have any specific questions put them on the forum and Sova,Peb and Martina are more than likely able to answer them.


Take the box (provided it is front row seat). You are higher up (2nd row of boxes - the 1st row is at the back of the auditorium), but the theatre is small and you should still have a good view if your box is in the middle.

Best thing about the boxes is that they have coat racks in them and you don%26#39;t need to bother with the horrendous queues at the common garderobe at the end of the performance. You can also make the champagne queue at the interval much quicker

Ballet annd others

i was just poking around sum of the topics that are posted and i was wonderin when i am goin to prague, would it be easy for me to book tickets for a show or would it be handier to book now

also how much is a reasonable price from the airport to the Julis aparthotel...I heard that you really have to haggle or else you will get completely ripped off.

also any recommendations on anywhere good to eat wud be very much welcome


Unless it is a top performance, in the winter, tickets can usually be had in Prague, but before the day of the performance. The main ticket agencies are Bohemia Ticket International www.tickets.bti.cz. which handle the State Opera and can gte you tickets for other of the theatres and the concert halls and the National Theatre themselves. www.narodni-divadlo.cz.

Don%26#39;t know where you got haggling with taxi drivers at the airport. I wouldn%26#39;t, unless you want your luggage thrown out on the street. Taxi by the Fix Taxi company who have their taxis at the airport to the Julis should be 650 to 700 crowns.

Hot restaurant in the Hotel Jalta on Wenceslas Square is very good

for sarahdaly

can you contact me on


many thanks.


Can all the Hibies contact you on this address?


Yes,once they all sober up.

I actually work with one,he is sitting about 10feet away from me at the moment

I am hopung for a Hearts-Hibs cup Final,He is dreading it.

First Time In Prague - Fussy Eaters!!

I will staying the Golden Gate Hotel/Apartments shortly, again with 3 other adults and 2 %26lt;10 year olds.

One adult has a dietry restriction, and of course the kids will be fussy!

To keep things simple for them, i understand there is a Tesco Supermarket (or anyother supermarket) within Prague - but will it be near us?! (And more to the point, will be home from home ;) ) Also, are there any of the well known Fast Food chains there - if only to keep them going for one meal?

Thanks for your help.


Hi, prague is like any other city in that there are fast food outlets in many location as well as cafes and restaurants, also there is a tesco about i think one mile from your apartments



Tesco is not the same store we have at home - more like a department store but it does have an excellent food hall in the basement.


Thanks for your replies.. As I am trying to work out the metro/tram and bus routes, any advice on the tesco area would be great.

We are on Kitna, so I am guessing Karlovo Namesti is the nearest for the metro, plus 4/5/10/16/22/23 trams are near too?


Tesco lies at the bottom of wenslecles square, there is a Marks and Spencer store as well as Debenhams and a ....C%26amp;A, all sell food, the Irish pub does good inexpensive food (Rocky O%26#39; Riellys)and in the old town square is the george and dragon pub (just past the statues to the right) and it sells english grub.

Most restaraunts sell english food, you have to try the local food as its is very nice. Just for the boring, there are MacDonalds and KFC a plenty.

Its no different to any other major city.


and one more, at the top of wensleclas squre behind the big museum is an indian restaraunt called the Taj Mahal, the food if brilliant and the service excellent, they have a no smoking area as well. Skretova10, Praha 2 tram 11 to the Metro Museum.

tel 224 225 566



Tesco is above Narodni Trida metro station. It definatelty isn%26#39;ty like Tesco in England or %26quot;an excellent food hall%26quot; as portygirl says. Nevertheless, it is about 15 minutes walk from the bottom of Zitna street. There is also an Albert supermarket in the foyer to the entrance of the Mustek metro in the middle of Wenceslas Square and in the Charles Square office center on Karlovo Namesti itself.

22 and 23 trams run through Karlovo namesti which are good to get up the hill.

For eating, try Buffalo Bills in Vodickova and try the Jarmark buffet restaurants in the Lucerna center on the same street (where there is also a McDonalds and KFC, if you need).

Music in September?

We%26#39;re travelling to Germany, Austria, and Czech Republic this next September and would like to plan the trip%26#39;s timing to allow seeing some musical performances.

1. We haven%26#39;t been able to find the Estates Theatre or National Theatre%26#39;s schedule for Sept. (their website shows nothing for Sept.). What%26#39;s the best way to find out what (if any) performances may be scheduled for Sept.?

2. What%26#39;s the best way to buy tickets (we%26#39;re in the U.S.)?

3. To allow flexibility on out trip, is it feasible to wait until there and attempt to get last minute tickets?


Hi, log on to www.pragueexperience.com and livingprague.com and that should answer most of your queries, however i do not think some of the programmes of concerts etc are out yet for september.

Check out BOHEMIATICKETS.CZ i think that is their web site for tickets, if it is not someone will correct me.depends on the concert, show etc and how popular it is regarding buying tickets before hand, but if it is something you want to go to i would book a head



We visited Prague in September 2004 and the Prague Autumn series of concerts was on. We attended a concert at the Rudolfinum when a classical orchestra played rock tunes. It was fantastic %26amp; quite unusual. Key in Prague Autumn as a search and you should come up with the schedule of concerts.


You cannot find the September schedule because it is not finalised yet (they release the schedules 6 months in advance).

National Theatre website, which also covers the Theatre of Estates is


In September performances often are booked up, so you are best to book in advance. The State Opera www.opera.cz has its annual Verdi festival on at that time which is often very good

Best time to visit

I am thinking of taking a short break and was wondering when is the best time of year to visit Prague


Hi, how long is a piece of string?, do you want the sunshine or the cold with snow on the ground



I have visited Prague twice, in December %26amp; September both were great for different reasons. December was a great atmosphere with all the Christmas markets %26amp; cold crisp weather. September we were able to walk for miles in sunshine wearing tee- shirts. We are visiting at Easter this year for another experience.


June. It%26#39;s warm and most of the population will be staying at home watching the football. Could be quiet at that time of yeear this year.

arriving at holesovice station in Prague from Vienna

Will be traveling by train in Prague from Vienna in April and arriving at Holesovice station (since it looks like only non stops from Vienna arrive there). I will be staying at the K+K Hotel Central at

Hybernská 10.

Reading all the posts I am a little bit intimidated and would appreciate any help.

1) at Holesovice, are there ATMs so I can pick up some Czech currencty?

2) What is the best way to get to the hotel with some, but not huge amounts of luggage? All the articles say avoid taxis like the plague--so should I take the metro? Will it be obvious where the metro entrance is and where you buy tickets if you don%26#39;t have coins for the machines? And reading the fine details of the websites do you really have to buy a 10 czk ticket as a luggage surcharge?

Any Help appreciated


Hi racb. I lived in Prague for six months about three years ago. I used Holesovice several times during my stay. First of all, there is most definitely an ATM at the station. There are ATMs at most Metro stations as well.

Holesovice station connects with the red line. I didn%26#39;t use taxis while I was there, but didn%26#39;t know there was such a problem with them. I had a pass for the Metro, so I just used that all of the time. I can%26#39;t remember exactly, but I think the machines where you can purchase Metro tickets accept bills. There are also small convenience stores within the train station if you need to break a bill for change. I don%26#39;t know anything about the 10 crown ticket for luggage. I had luggage with me several times on the Metro and never once had a problem. Do buy a ticket for the Metro though (even if it%26#39;s just a one-way). It would be really bad luck, but it%26#39;s possible to get stopped by an undercover officer as you get off the Metro who wants to see your ticket.


I can%26#39;t say for sure where the ATM%26#39;s are at the station but, there are definitely money changing offices to change a bit of money for transport etc. Try and get 30kc of change in Czech Korun coins. This will get you a 20kc single journey ticket and a 10kc luggage ticket. Take a look at http://www.livingprague.com/htmetro.htm for my guide to using the ticket machines (coin only) although a link to the official guide is also there. Take the metro in the direction of Haje and get off at Florenc. Then take the yellow line direction Zlicin, one stop to Namesti Republiky. When you exit this station take the exit for %26quot;Na Prikope and Revolucni%26quot;, at the end of the road you%26#39;ll see %26quot;Ceska Narodni Banka%26quot;. Turn left here and your hotel is 50 metres or so on the right.



Thanks to all who responded to my query. I have one followup question...My plan is to buy trains tickets to Prague when I arrive in Vienna on April 15 for an April 18 departure to Prague.

1)Is there any reaon why I would have to buy before this? Like it being Easter week?

2) Looked at all the websites re schedules so I have no problem there...could buy at the raileurope site now...but my assumption is that this is pretty expensive..second class round trip is US $264 and first class US $384. Does anyone have a sense of what tickets would cost if purchased in Vienna?

Thanks again to all who have responded to previous inquiries


There is an ATM near to the metro entrance at Holesovice station. Do though run your fingers over the ATM to make sure that this has not been tampered with beforehand. If you are coming from Austria and not going back, the exchange bureaux in Vienna will normally be able to change Euros for Czech crowns for you, to give you peace of mind when you arrive.

10 crown luggage ticket applies broadly for luggage which is over aircraft hand luggage size.

To avoid chnaging at Florenc with luggage, I would take the red line metro 2 stops to Hlavni Nadrazi, the central station. Come out of the station on the right, go across the small park. Come to the road, Opletalova, cross over it and walk to the end of the street, which is Hybernska. Turn left and the hotel is on the left of the street, over the next road.

Driving time HELP!

Is no one out there to help me?

What%26#39;s your estimate on driving time from Prague to Berlin? We have to catch a 3pm EasyJet flight out of Berlin.


Someone here always knows the answers.


That%26#39;s a long drive to catch a flight that same day. According to ViaMichelin it%26#39;s a 4 hour and 25 minute drive. We just drove from Prague to our home in the Frankfurt area last week which was about an hour longer drive than your%26#39;s and there%26#39;s no way we would have then gotten on a plane after that too. Too much traveling for one day. Maybe that%26#39;s just us though.


If you are flying out of Schonefeld, which is the south of Berlin, allow 5 hours. You may possibly get there in 4, but the worse thing will be to be late. Also allow yourself a good 40 minutes to go through the handing over of your hire car at the airport.

Other Berlin airports are further away from Prague so you will need more time

cheapest way to get from prague to vienna?


really really really would appreciate any advice, have tried looking into trains but all links are extreamly unhelpful, and as for planes......


www.idos.cz is a simple website to find the train times.

Alternatively, try the student agency yellow bus services www.studentagency.cz. You don%26#39;t need to be a student to go on them


I was considering doing a one day train trip between Prague and Vienna. Can anyone tell me if there are any good sightseeing opportunities within a mile or two of the Vienna train station? Thanks.


Station in Vienna is at the edge of the city and connects well to the metro right into the heart of Vienna.

Train takes 4.5 hours, so you will be pushed to have a day trip there. You can only really do it if you catch the early morning 6.23 train from Prague and come back on the 18.33, so it will be a really long day.

If you want an international day trip, Dresden is 2.5 hours by train from Prague and can be done in a long day

Off the Beaten Path Prague

Hi. Can anyone recommend things to see and do in Prague in addition to the usual tourist hot spots? My husband and I are quite adventurous when we travel and are always interested in unique local experiences. We will be there in May.


Go to a genuine Czech pub - read the post below under %26quot;Genuine Czech bars%26quot;


Go to Vyserhrad - the origional castle - 1/100th the tourists of the big one and quite interesting, especially the memorial graves of famous Czechs.

We liked the Technical Museum (cars, planes, bikes, trains)- located north of the bend in the river.

Take in an ice hockey game if you%26#39;re there during the season - it%26#39;s hockey played the way they did before it merged with professional wrestling in North America.

If you%26#39;re really adventurous, try the Museum of S%x Machines...


Unfortunately, the hockey will be off-season in May. Why not take a bus ride out to Lidice and spend some time walking around the site.



Playoff%26#39;s often finish in early May, and both Sparta and Slavia are likely to be involved

prague summer travel

Any advice on air prices to prague late july/early august? Is it advisable to wait until the last minute and hope to get a deal, or are the $1000.+ prices now listed as good as it gets? It will be our first time to Prague and we have a %26quot;land only%26quot; package already booked with a group during that time. We cant wait to see this jewel of europe. Also, should we fly into a neighboring country for a better air deal, or France or Italy and make our way there and back? As you see we need help! Thanks!


I can never understand the logic of air ticket prices, but the easiest thing to do if you don%26#39;t know where to fly is either to play on the internet, internet travel agent or go to a travel agent. Sometimes the latter two have much better deals than the airlines direct appear to have.

On whether to wait till late, July and August are very busy, so I would expect booking then to be more expensive than booking now. More and more scheduled airlines are going the way of the low cost airlines in pricing higher the nearer you get to travel


I spent weeks trying to find the least expensive way from NYC to Prague, then on to Budapest and return. I looked at flying into London first, or Paris or Milan, etc. I comparison shopped all the Internet sites and agencies, talked to a travel agent and talked with friends who had frinds at certain airlines.

Bottom line - I booked with Malev Hungarian Airlines from JFK to Prague (with a stop in Budapest for about an hour on the way), then a middle leg from Prague to Budapest and a return to JFK from Budapest. The price was $948.00 total per person R/T - the best that I could fine. I did this directly with the airline office in NYC.

I asked seveal differnt reps about their experience with pricing and I received no encouragement that prices would go down as Spring and Summer approached.

There is also some piece of mind to be had in getting the trip booked so you can spend your time planning what it is you want to do after you get there.


Thank you both for your replies! Very helpful. What about other nearby countries or flights to/from France or Italy? Is it worth extending our trip to pop over while we are already in Europe? If so, which country would you recommend? Thanks!


7 flights a day from Paris to Prague, so that would be the most logical stopover, if you have not been to Paris before

tram vs metro question

Does anyone know what the walk between the Tram 24 stops and the Holiday Inn Congress Center is like - also which stop is the closest. I%26#39;ll be in Prague in a few weeks and attending an evening concert alone at Municipal Hall. I%26#39;m trying to figure out if I would be more comfortable going to the Florenc Metro stop which sounds like it is at a bus station or taking Tram 24 and walking back to the hotel from that. Any opinions on which would be be easier and feel %26quot;safer%26quot; for a woman alone? Prague sounds like a wonderful place and I%26#39;m excited to experience it!


Take the red line metro C from Vysehrad to Florenc (direction you want will be Ladvi).

Change at Florenc for the yellow line B metro and go one stop to Namesti Republiky (direction you want is Zlicin).

When you get off the metro, go to the exits on your right (Namesti Republiky entrance instead of Masarykovo nadrazi entrance). When you come up the escalators, go for the exit stairs straight ahead of you and the municipal building will be on your left. You just walk round to the front of it to the entrance to the concert hall.

Allow 40 minutes, just in case the connection at Florenc isn%26#39;t quick. You can travel on a 20 crown metro ticket each way.

On the way back, take metro B one station to Florenc (direction Cerny Most) and then metro C back to Vysehrad (direction Haje)


Peb%26#39;s reply is the best for point-to-point connection. If you get nice weather, on your trip in, consider getting off two stops before Florenc at the Muzeum metro station, then you can walk all the way down Wenceslas Square. When you get to the bottom of the square, turn right and at the end of this road is the Municipal house. Add another 30 minutes if you like the walking option and take Peb%26#39;s return suggestion.



nice weather ... February ....

question for peb

Would it be easier to access the Kogo restaurant in Slovansky Dum from the rear ( Senovazne Namesti, I think )when we are coming from the Tulip Inn. Do you think this 1 is the best of the 3 Kogo restaurants or would it be better to walk further to 1 of the others.We are travelling with our 3 daughters of 17,19 %26amp; 22 who appreciate modern restaurants, especially Italian. Hopefully we can also tempt them with some Czech fare too! Is it best to e.mail reservation request? Many Thanks.


Slovanksy Dum is the best of the Kogo restaurants and it is indeed easier to access from the back.

Go to Senovazne namesti. Go to the far end of it and at the end where the raod splits, you will see an entrance through a double opening into the Slovansky Dum coutryard. Once you enter the courtyard, Kogo is the big restaurant on the right at the end.

You are well advised to do and indeed you can do so via their website www.kogo.cz.

If you want a good Czech restaurant, Cervena Tabulka tucked away in the corner of Lodecka is very good


Thanks Peb for the info.,

I think we might try Cervena Tabulka, I have looked at website and choices look good, it is also handy for our hotel location so might go there our first night ( before or after Image theatre at 20.00 )Had thought we might try Hybernia -as we are supporters of UncleGus%26#39;s adverseries from Edinburgh ( Hibernian ) was quite tempted to try it! We will try Kogo 2nd night and are going back to the Lary Fary for our 3rd evening on our 25th wedding anniversary. It is not a particularly special restaurant but we have had 2 great meals there and think our daughters will like it.We are doing a round the world trip later on in the year so our Prague trip is limited in budget this time. We got a brilliant deal in flights with the Czech airline so it really is a great bargain break to such a wonderful city.


Don%26#39;t try Cervena Tabulka after the Black Light Theatre (expensive tourist tat in my opinion), in reality, they close the kitchen about 9.00pm


You don%26#39;t recommend any of the black light theatre productions? We thought our daughters might enjoy it rather than a classical concert- only one of them really appreciates formal music and there are no rock bands playing on the weekend we are visiting - we have looked. Thanks for all the help anyway, our team did well beating Rangers 3-0 on Saturday. Hibs V Hearts for the Scottish Cup final?


Kids may well like it, but I still think they are overpriced. Laterna Magicka next to the National Theatre is quite good, simply becuase it is on a larger scale than the rest.

Best way from Airport to Andels hotel

I am travelling to Prague on Saturday. I know this question has been asked many times (unfortunately I can%26#39;t find the posts!) but what is the best way to get from the Airport to the Andels hotel?



Depends what you mean by %26quot;best%26quot;? Cheapest, quickest or most comfortable?

You can get there by public transport for 20 crowns, or by taxi for aboput 650 to 700 crowns. You can also have the hotel send you one of their cars and you can charge the transfer to your room


I think probably the quickest and most comfortable as it will be later on when we are arriving at the airport. Are there any shuttle buses or decent taxis to use?



Taxis outside the airport should cost you no more than 700 crowns door to door. If you don%26#39;t have local money, you can have the hotel pick you up and charge to your room for slightly more

Domus Henrici

Has anyone stayed here? Heard some great reviews of this as a quiet sanctuary, but also of church bells at 6am!!


the three reviews on the reviews section of this site are very favourable. All mention the place is quiet and do not mention the 6 o%26#39;clock bells (I would have thought if they do ring, it is quite romantic, as you are in the historical part of Prague). Also what is quite crucial for hotels in Prague is that this place is unlikely to be infested with stag parties

Don%26#39;t take too much the comments about walking up and down the hill. The 22 and 23 tram stop is 5 minutes walk away and can whisk you up and down the hill to Malostranske namesti quicker than you can walk it

Eating out near Kampa Island

I will be staying on Kampa Island at the end of the month and was wondering if anyone can recommend any good value eating places, either on the island or in Mala Strana.

Obviously the hotel has a restaurant but would prefer to get out and about.


Hergetova Cihelna on Cihelna is good value and has a great view. Square on Malostranske namesti itself is also good. Sovovy Mlyny on U Sovovych Mlynu has a great view and is cheaper restaurant


Thanks for that Peb and I will try them out. They look quite modern. Do you know of any more traditional places.


Try Baracnicka rychta on Trziste street near the American Embassy if you think that restaurants in refurbished buildings are too posh


There are several good restaurants on Ujezd near the tram stop at the bottom of Petrin Hill. ICantina, a mexican is really good, but to be honest most are good on this street. Budget ������������������7-10 a head including drinks.

If you want to blow your budget, Alchymist at Hellichova 4 is fabulous with superb food, interesting decor and excellent service. But budget ������������������50 a head. It costs the same as Kampa Park but better food and and doesn%26#39;t have the corporate business account atmosphere that you get at Kampa.

For cheap pizzas, go to St Nicholas Cafe on Trizte just down from the American Embassy. Good for lunch, they cost about ������������������3 each.

On the other side of the river, Universal at V Jircharich 6, is probably my favourite, go- every-week restaurant in Prague. For some reason it hasn%26#39;t made it into many guidebooks - probably a good thing. Allow ������������������10 a head including drinks.

best exchange rate for czk in uk?

I need to change a small amount of ckz in uk so i have some for when i arrive in prague. does anyone know where i can get the best exchange rate here? thanks


The post office usually offers the best rates and 0 p/cent commision. If not try your bank or building society although they work on a next day delivery basis. I know the halifax and nationwide offer good deals without commision but you need an acc there to be able to order. I%26#39;d say your best bet is the post office


marks and spencer also have competitive rates (0 commision). However, when i went to purchase some on Saturday they had none left! Checking other high street places (travel agents etc) they also gave the impression that they dont carry much in %26quot;stock%26quot;. NOt sure if this was just a local impression, but they preferred it if you pre-ordered.

Far easier with Eur and US$!!


try your bank or building society as the last post suggested ,as most banks i believe take little or no interest from their customers and also take any you do not spent back, failing that hit the ATM at prague airport



there was a summary of exchange rates in the paper this weekend of what 100 Euros bought.

In Prague, the winner was ATM (although you need to chech what charges your bank will levy you at home for using ATM%26#39;s abroad).

The best exchange bureau was Camfax on Vladislavova near Tescos.

Second was Tesco%26#39;s itself using a 100 Euro note to buy a bottle of water and receiving the change in Czech crowns (with no commission).

Remember that some exchange bureaux in the UK offer commission free exchange back to pounds of any unused Czech crowns at the same rate you bought them, if you pay for this option


yes some do offer that option, I work for a uk bank and the rate that we buy back at is much higher than the rate we sell at, so i%26#39;d just take as much as you thinks you%26#39;d need or save any leftover for your next visit.



The Nationwide Building Society offers the very best rate by about 11% more than any one else when you take into account ATM charges.

You do have to have a flexaccount with them, but it means you can use the ATM%26#39;s almost anywhere in the world without charge and receive the full interbank rate without the adjustment that all the other banks make.

As an example my son in law received more for £180 than his mates did for £200.

We opened accounts for each member of the family just so we can do this.

Have a good trip


free music available?

My neighbors went to Prague a couple years ago and said they enjoyed music played in church%26#39;s quite frequently. Is this true? I am there for 9 days starting the 17th and am wondering if tickets are easy to come by there or if I have to find some now. Does anyone recommend anything in particular? Thanks!


there are many concerts in churches, but they are definitely not free. You will see people advertising these tourist concerts outside the relevant chruches.

Generally the price is higher than real concerts in the Rudofinium or Obecni Dum, so unless you are really into a piece being played, I would stick to the real thing


You%26#39;re better off at the National Theatre or State Opera house. The cheap seats there start at about 250 CZK and the must quality is much better than the church performances which are just put on for tourist.

For details see www.narodni-divaldo.cz and www.statniopera.cz.

Opera - July4th/5th/6th?

Just wondering if I am reading the booking sites incorrectly or if there is, indeed, no opera on in Prague during the first week of July.

Is it a holiday? Will museums and other attractions be closed?

Can anyone help me find an answer?


Both the opera houses and the national theatre normally take their annual break in July and the relevant companies go on tour.

5th and 6th July are public holidays in the Czech Republic, so Prague tends to empty with people in that week. Nevertheless muzeums and other attractions, are normally open as usual. Some restaurants and shops may close down from Wednesday 5th till Sunday 9th, but there should still be ample places to eat, as it is the height of the tourist season


Thanks Peb7. That will save me the time looking any further on the official theatre sites.

eastern europe - where to go?

I chose the Prague forum just because... but my question really is: if one had two weeks to %26quot;do%26quot; eastern europe, what would one%26#39;s itinerary be? Will be traveling next spring - of 2006...

Thanks so much in advance -


A selection of Berlin, Dresden, Prague, Krakow, Budapest and Vienna, and that would be an effort in two weeks. Or alternatively, go further north and chill out for two weeks in the Baltic countries


Eastern Europe is so dense and intense, that I would not go to more than three, max four places. Prague should be a must, because it is the most beautiful city in Europe. All the others have so much to offer as well.

You could do Vienna, Prague, Berlin and stay overnight on the way there in Dresden (lovely hotel: Taschenberg Palais Kempinski). The infrastructure is ideal on this kind of route. Or you come to Prague and spend 2 lovely weeks here ;-)))))


2 weeks in Prague will be too much,you will get bored, but from Prague you can go to Vienna and Budapest. Then go to the Northern Europe - Riga and St.Petersburg. From Riga cheap flights will take you back to London, Liverpool, Dublin or Frankfurt or you might want to fly to Stockholm too and from there back home.


Try to have a look on %26gt;


I recommend...



I would start at the top and work down, Fly into Stockholm and catch the Tallink ferry to Tallinn so you sail through the beautiful archipeligo, then a couple of days in Tallinn followed by a trip to Riga, 3 days in Riga with a day out to Jurmala their seaside resort and onto beautiful Vilnius for a couple of days. Then fly down to Prague for the grand finish.

I can%26#39;t imagine a better holiday. Then next year come back and do the central bit, Poland, Slovenia, Slovakia etc.

Have a wonderful trip whatever you chose


Zivkov >


I have just booked my hotel ( Bily Lev in Zivkov) and just wondered if there any recomended places to drink and eat.

We have been to this hotel before and while we found some cool bars there seemed to be a lack of of good food.




Good food and Zizkov don%26#39;t really go together in the same sentence - it is too poor an area. You are close enough at the Bily lev to catch the tram to the centre of town (15 minutes) to eat there.

If you are determined to eat in Zizkov, El Puerto on Vlkova (about 10 minutes walk from the Bily Lev) isn%26#39;t haute cuisine, but it will fill you up and the restaurant at the hotel U Tri Korunek further down the street from the Bily Lev has a reasonable restaurant when it is not full up with coach parties


I live in Zizkov and generally go into the centre or across to Vinohrady to eat. The trams are safe and frequent.


I live in Zizkov as well. I live on Konevova Street off the old part, but I know the area well. Very good steak restaurant is KURE V HODINKACH, it is just straight up the hill from the hotel on Seifertova street. In English the restaurant is called CHICKEN IN THE WATCH/CLOCK. I reallly enjoyed every meal I had there. I have been there at least times. Another good restaurant close to the hotel Bily lev is Planeta Zizkov (planet zizkov). If you do not mind classic beer pub definitely go to DOBRA TREFA (great shot), which is a bit filthy but good food. I have never benn to the Three Crowns restaurant that is on the bottom of the street, but it looks great from outside.


Thanks very much for your help, I will certainly check out a few of those places, I love some of the bars in the area there is one a few doors down from the hotel where we were made to feel very wellcome last time and then another 5 mins or so away which was a strange combination of a bar with a pole dancer in the corner!

Places to eat Czech Food, drink Czech beer near Hotel Josef.

Places to eat Czech Food, drink Czech beer near Hotel Josef.

We are staying at the hotel Josef and would like to know about some good places to eat and drink around the Old Square area, not to expensive but good quality.


Kolkovna at kolkovne street is nice for czech food and beer. Their draft is unpasteurized.

See their webside:


Other places with good food and unpasteurized beer is:

Olympia, Vitezna (not far from ujezd ,cable tram

U Pinkasu, Jungmanovo namesti

U Medvidku, sidestreet to Narodni

Good pubs that serve good beer and small dishes at a decent price (0,5 liter ca. 30 crowns):

U Ferdinand (not far from Vaclav Namesti)

U Rudolfina (not far from Rudolfinum)

U Zlatheo Tygra, Husova (not far from old square)

U Hrocha, Thunovska Mala strana

U Cerneho vola, Loretanska, Hradcany

Not to forget these micro breweries:

U Fleku (the worlds oldest brewery, but a bit touristy and exspensive)

Novometsky pivovar


Thanks Pingrid for your help,

Can%26#39;t wait to get there now.

The Wicker Man


Where%26#39;s the best place to eat steak in Prague?

Can you drink hotel tap water?


Try Cowboys on Nerudova street underneath the castle.

Tap water generally safe to drink, although if you are after this to drink in restaurants, they would probably not serve you, as local mineral water is pretty cheap


For steak, you could also try Kogo at Slovansky Dum.

I had a fantastic fillet steak, one of the best I%26#39;ve had here, at Rocky O%26#39;Reilly%26#39;s off Wenceslas Square, but don%26#39;t recommend the place if any football matches are on. The steak sandwich is great too. But an Irish pub might not be your first choice after coming all the way to Prague.


Come out of your hotel and cross straight over the road into Masna. Keep going right to the end of the road where you turn right and then left. You then arrive at a road junction with a tree in the middle. Take the second right (Kozi) and after 20 metres you%26#39;ll find the basement bar called Kozicka on the left. www.kozicka.cz webpage is in Czech but, click on %26quot;foto%26quot; and %26quot;menu%26quot; etc to get an idea.



Thank you for all your replies.

Help locating specific shop...

Hi, just returned from Prague a few weeks ago and spotted a lovely little jewellery shop, I didn%26#39;t have time to go back to buy anything (too much to do/see in Prague I guess!). Anyway, my boyfriend is going to be in Prague in a few days and I am trying to locate this shop so he can buy me a nice present (hopefully!). From looking on my map I believe it was on the street that follows on from Wenceslas square, Na Mustku, I think? It%26#39;s a very small modern shop selling mainly contemporary silver rings and I recall it being across from a shoe shop called Tango. Can anyone tell me if this sounds right? Any help appreciated, thanks!


Yes, your directions are right. Opposite Tango on Na Mustku. I can%26#39;t remember the place%26#39;s name either!

Prague to Vienna to Budapest


My friend and I are travelling from Prague to Vienna and then to Budapest. When buying train tickets, are we able to break up our journey?

Also where should I stay in Budapest, any good recommendations?


Usually, non discounted tickets are valid for 2 months... but better ask before!


Thanks, when we buy our train tickets, is it cheaper to buy 1 that runs from Prague to Vienna, and then from Vienna to Budapest or is there another option?


Usually tickets get cheaper (per km) the longer the distance is.


Not too sure that there are trains which run direct from Prague to Budapest via Vienna (most of the Prague to Budapest trains go via Bratislava and the trains to Prague generally go from a different station to the trains to Budapest in Vienna).

For this reason, I think you need to buy a separate ticket from Prague to Vienna and from Vienna to Budapest.

Generally on trains, unless you have reserved an actual seat at an actual time, most of the train stations are barrierless (they check your tickets on the train) and so you should be able to hop on and hop off as you wish)

Prague in May?

Single male late twenties, looking to centraly located.What area/hotel would you recomend.



Stay near Wenceslas Sqaure.Read Thetravler%26#39;s review below

Romantic restaurant recommendations

Having read the disappointing report on the Blue Duckling, where I was planning to go for an anniversary treat, can anyone recommend another special restaurant.

I would prefer good Czech food with good service and nice surroundings. I seem to recall there is one overlooking the Charles Bridge but can not recal the name of it. Any personal recommendations would be appreciated.


I like La Perle (had my wedding reception there) not Czech but lovely view of the castle which is spectacular all lit up at night. Expensive by Prague standards but you%26#39;ll have spent more on a night out in Leeds.

La Perle has its own website www.laperle.cz also in english or you could have a look on www.squaremeal.cz for ideas.


Have eaten at the Blue Duckling (the original one, not the new one) a few times and have always found it great. However if you%26#39;re unsure I can recommend V zatisi wholeheartedly - this restaurant is superb! The food is top notch, the service absolutely spot on and the price very reasonable. It really is fabulous and you can see all their menu online with prices.


Pallfy Palac in a renaissance palace under the castle in Mala Strana is the most romantic restaurant in Prague; at least that%26#39;s what my wife says.