Tuesday, April 24, 2012

prague summer travel

Any advice on air prices to prague late july/early august? Is it advisable to wait until the last minute and hope to get a deal, or are the $1000.+ prices now listed as good as it gets? It will be our first time to Prague and we have a %26quot;land only%26quot; package already booked with a group during that time. We cant wait to see this jewel of europe. Also, should we fly into a neighboring country for a better air deal, or France or Italy and make our way there and back? As you see we need help! Thanks!


I can never understand the logic of air ticket prices, but the easiest thing to do if you don%26#39;t know where to fly is either to play on the internet, internet travel agent or go to a travel agent. Sometimes the latter two have much better deals than the airlines direct appear to have.

On whether to wait till late, July and August are very busy, so I would expect booking then to be more expensive than booking now. More and more scheduled airlines are going the way of the low cost airlines in pricing higher the nearer you get to travel


I spent weeks trying to find the least expensive way from NYC to Prague, then on to Budapest and return. I looked at flying into London first, or Paris or Milan, etc. I comparison shopped all the Internet sites and agencies, talked to a travel agent and talked with friends who had frinds at certain airlines.

Bottom line - I booked with Malev Hungarian Airlines from JFK to Prague (with a stop in Budapest for about an hour on the way), then a middle leg from Prague to Budapest and a return to JFK from Budapest. The price was $948.00 total per person R/T - the best that I could fine. I did this directly with the airline office in NYC.

I asked seveal differnt reps about their experience with pricing and I received no encouragement that prices would go down as Spring and Summer approached.

There is also some piece of mind to be had in getting the trip booked so you can spend your time planning what it is you want to do after you get there.


Thank you both for your replies! Very helpful. What about other nearby countries or flights to/from France or Italy? Is it worth extending our trip to pop over while we are already in Europe? If so, which country would you recommend? Thanks!


7 flights a day from Paris to Prague, so that would be the most logical stopover, if you have not been to Paris before

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