Saturday, April 21, 2012

Christmas 2006 in Prague


Me and my hubby have just booked to go to Prague for Christmas 2006.

We are staying at Hotel Josef, have read some good reviews, so hoping we made the right choice!

Really don%26#39;t want to be eating carp for Christmas dinner!! Will anywhere actually serve turkey %26amp; all the trimmings?!! Or anything more %26#39;normal%26#39; than carp..! (not fussed about prices etc)!

I know snow%26#39;s not guaranteed at christmas, but we have seen snowmobiling etc advertised as %26#39;things to do%26#39; nearby. does anyone have any recommendations on where we could do anything like this (understand we%26#39;ll have to travel a couple of hours) but any information much appreciated.

Cheers guys.....


Prague has a changeable nature, I would suggest you come back here in 9 month to check out the latest news.


If you want an English Christmas dinner, some of the corporate hotels such as the Intercontinental, Marriott or Hilton often do something that passes as one, plus Red, Hot %26amp; Blues, which is a restaurant about 5 minutes walk from the Josef - but booking in advance is recommended.

The key thing to realise is that many restaurants either close over Christmas, or have only expensive Christmas menus on offer, so you may find it better to eat your main meal at lunchtime. This is especially so on 24th, where in keeping with the rest of the continent, the mian Christmas meal is taken on that evening, instead of at lunchtime on 25th.

It%26#39;s normally 50:50 whether there is snow in the city centre itself at Christmas, but there is normally snow outside. Mountains, are 2 hours away, where the is plenty of snow for all winter sports, including snowmobiling, if you wish


Excellent, thanks for your help.

We don%26#39;t arrive in Prague until about 3pm on christmas eve, so will just have to grab what we can from wherever we can!

Will it be easy enough to get to the mountains?

What would be the best way to go about it?

I have searched the internet, but not really found anything.

I know i%26#39;m asking these questions quite a bit in advance, but really looking forward to it already!!



you can hire a car (but don%26#39;t unless you have never driven on snow) or catch one of the skibuses that go off from Florenc bus station or from Cerny Most metro station to one of the many ski resorts (some do day trips, so you take the bus there, it waits for you during the day and you take the bus back home to Prague). Journey time to the mountains is about 2 hours

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