Saturday, April 21, 2012

Lots of questions about prague

Hi everyone,

i am planning on visiting prague late march/ early april this year and was wondering about the sort of weather to expect then?

Also i%26#39;m quite confused about the currency and the british exchange rate. I%26#39;ve only ever used euros or the dollar when on hoilday so it seems confusing!!

How much spending money on average is needed for 3 nights in prague? For toursit attractions, sight seeing, eating and drinking? I%26#39;m hearing things are really cheap!

Also will i need to get a phrase book to make sense of the menu%26#39;s or do they have english because i%26#39;m quite a fussy eater and czech food scares me a bit.

If anyone can help that would be great. Looking forward to the trip but a little unsure of what to expect.

Thanks, xx


the currency is Czech Crowns Czk

£1 = 40 Czk approx.

I have visited prague on several occasion and go again in a few weeks.Spending money wise I like to allow myself £50 per day,for that I can live like a king,but you should easily get by on £30 a day if you keep out of the more expensive resturants and bars.The majority of the bars and resturants have English translations to their menus.Food is very good and not unlike old fashioned Scottish cooking,with stews ,and meat with gravy and dumplings,but a whole range of very good wholesome food is available.A bar lunch with a beer should be got for well under £5.

You have to pay to get into most museums etc.but £10(Max) a day should more than cover that and probably a lot less.

The Local experts should be able to tell you more about the weather,but expect similar temperatures to Scotland for the same time of year and you won%26#39;t go far wrong.


As unclegus says, you won%26#39;t need a phrase book (although one can come in handy as somethimes the English translations on menus are quite interesting). You don%26#39;t need to eat Czech food here; there are many international restaurants that cook as good as thye do at home and if you really are desperate to eat nothing but British food, you can go to the various expat bars and have roast beef, yorkshire pudding, fish %26amp; chips, etc.

You can even go to the Scottish shop and buy some Scottish food if you want.


should have said, late March / early April. snow should have gone (but saying that last yera it snowed in April) and it can even be tshirt weather. Generally, expect as unclegus says as at home, but it often rains a lot in the spring


Peb ,where is the Scottish shop in Prague?


Knew you would ask that.

Slezska in Vinohrady, opposite the Rudy Baron restaurant. Sells Scottish food, clothes, tartan, and all other things Scottish (apart from maraoon tops that is)


thanks Peb,I will bring a couple of tops with me to sell to them.


Sell ?!!!! Do you really think they will pay money for them? Calcio shop in Myslikova will be a better bet for you to give them away.


yes ,but Rudi Skacel will be attached to one of them.

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