Tuesday, April 24, 2012

eastern europe - where to go?

I chose the Prague forum just because... but my question really is: if one had two weeks to %26quot;do%26quot; eastern europe, what would one%26#39;s itinerary be? Will be traveling next spring - of 2006...

Thanks so much in advance -


A selection of Berlin, Dresden, Prague, Krakow, Budapest and Vienna, and that would be an effort in two weeks. Or alternatively, go further north and chill out for two weeks in the Baltic countries


Eastern Europe is so dense and intense, that I would not go to more than three, max four places. Prague should be a must, because it is the most beautiful city in Europe. All the others have so much to offer as well.

You could do Vienna, Prague, Berlin and stay overnight on the way there in Dresden (lovely hotel: Taschenberg Palais Kempinski). The infrastructure is ideal on this kind of route. Or you come to Prague and spend 2 lovely weeks here ;-)))))


2 weeks in Prague will be too much,you will get bored, but from Prague you can go to Vienna and Budapest. Then go to the Northern Europe - Riga and St.Petersburg. From Riga cheap flights will take you back to London, Liverpool, Dublin or Frankfurt or you might want to fly to Stockholm too and from there back home.


Try to have a look on %26gt;


I recommend...



I would start at the top and work down, Fly into Stockholm and catch the Tallink ferry to Tallinn so you sail through the beautiful archipeligo, then a couple of days in Tallinn followed by a trip to Riga, 3 days in Riga with a day out to Jurmala their seaside resort and onto beautiful Vilnius for a couple of days. Then fly down to Prague for the grand finish.

I can%26#39;t imagine a better holiday. Then next year come back and do the central bit, Poland, Slovenia, Slovakia etc.

Have a wonderful trip whatever you chose


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