Thursday, April 12, 2012

ideas for a short trip from Prague for a 21 year old student

My daughter, who is studying in Prague this semester, is looking to go by herself for a 3-4 day trip during spring break (end of March.) She wants to go outside of the Czech Republic. I want her to go someplace that is safe for a young woman traveling by herself. Any suggestions? (She has started looking at Slovenia, but is open to other suggestions.) Thanks for any help.


Has she considdered St. Petersburg, Russia?


slovenia is very picturesque and there is a daily direct train from Prague to Ljubljana. Other places to visit would be Vienna or the Austrian Alps and Dresden / Berlin, which are of course nearer to Prague


How long is the trip to Ljubljana? Is it safe for a young woman traveling alone?


Ljubljana train is a day train (leaves 0623 and arrives 1732), so does not have the inherent dangers of night trains. Train goes via Austria and through the Alps, so the 11 hours is a journey in itself


Thanks for your information. Are the night trains a danger for a woman traveling alone? Can you tell me something about that?


I personally would not travel on eastern european night trains in shared unlockable compartments, especially on my own, but I know of people who do and safely, taking appropriate precautions. From my personal viewpoint, trains are much safer in the day and as noted above, the trains between Prague and Ljubljana are day trains


Thanks. Duly noted and passed on to my daughter.

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