Saturday, April 21, 2012

Family Vaction with Small children. HELP!

My wife and I love to travel the world. And this summer, we plan to visit Prague for the first time. Only difference is that this time, we are taking our boys. They are 7 and 4. We%26#39;ve taken them to Chicago and New York recently to test their endurance and willingness to travel and did fairly ok.

Now it worries us sick that they will be traveling to a foreign soils for the first time.Any advise will be appreciated.

Any family friendly hotels?(preferably a reasonably priced suite room) What sort of activities can we do as a family? Do you not advise this trip with kids or am I worrying about nothing? Thanks.


It is certainly possible to travel with kids, but we found we just needed to adjust our expectations. The toughest part is getting over jet lag, which may take as long as 5 days for the kids, so if possible, try to find a room/apartment where the kids can sleep in a seperate bedroom. The apartment option also helps with meals. We also found that by focusing on only one or two sights a day, we could lower frustration and focus on having fun as a family. Staying in a hotel with a pool (such as a Marriott) can also be good so every day the kids can have their own fun and let off some energy. Museums were very difficult for us all together, so this time we will plan visits individually while the kids are getting over their jet lag in the room with the other parent. We did use babysitters provided by the hotel last time so that once a week we could have a nice adult night out, it was worth it.


Thank you your insights!

It certainly helped.

BTW, how was the baby sitting service? Was it as good as what we would expect in the States? Also, which source did you go through to obtain this baby sitting service? Hope they are reliable...

are they?

Thanks for your help.

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