Thursday, April 19, 2012

Last minute questions....

Hi all, we are leaving for Prague on Tues %26amp; getting married there on Friday - can%26#39;t wait. We are staying in the Hotel Constans with the guests and then moving to the Alchymist after.

We are looking to arrange a meal for the guests when they arrive on Thursday, near the hotel as they will arrive early evening - any suggestions?

Also, given the weather (thanks for the clothes to wear thread!) any sightseeing suggestions? We are obviously organised for all day %26amp; night Friday, but were wondering about Saturday %26amp; Sunday. Any suggestions gratefully accepted!

Thanks, Bubble13


Hi Bubble,

You must be getting excited by now.

Kolkovna is good on corner of V kolkovne in old town area. There%26#39;s a good place near Uzjed tram stop can%26#39;t remember name but its painted purple.

The castle changing of the guard at 12 is a good show, get tram upto prohelec all downhill from there. Pop into loreta to see the Prague sun. After changing of guard walk through castle and see St Vitus. At bottom hop on a tram round to Malostranska namesti and have a look in St Nicholas on the Lesser (big green dome, my fav church). Then down over Charles Bridge to Old town Square and Astronomical clock. If you have the time go to Vysherad its beautiful, get metro down an tram back unless walking up steep hills floats your boat.



Hi Sarah, yup, getting really excited now!! Thanks for the info - I%26#39;m printing off pages madly trying to get organised, but I%26#39;m sure we%26#39;ll all be OK.

Will let you know how it all went when we get back - take care, Bubble


For a meal, try Cowboys in Nerudova, up the steps from the hotel, but with a group, you may want to book.

Weather is getting warmer, you may have PLUS 5 degrees by the weekend. Haven%26#39;t seen that kind of balmy weather since October.

Best of luck with the wedding. Remember with the Prague registrars, having the passports for signing the register is more important than the ring (know of one person who was refused to be married because they did not have their passport at the wedding and so could not be validly identified)


Thanks very much Peb - on our way now, and will remember the passports! I appreciate the restaurant recommendation, we%26#39;ll check it out. Fingers crossed the weather keeps improving....Bubble

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