Tuesday, April 24, 2012

VIP tickets

I have got VIP tickets for a Best of Mozart concert at the Estates Theatre ,does anyone know what I will actually get for my money

(1200kcz)?Not that I am bothered ,I know I will get good seats ,and i think the price is great compared to what i pay in Britain.


Load of tourist music played by a tourist orchestra with bits of Mozart being played; in other words, nothing like a proper classical concert. But at least the seats are good


thats what i though Peb,but thanks anyway.

the operas that are on in Prague during my stay i have seen before more than once,so i thought this might be a change.

so no free glass of champagne then?


no free champagne and definately no priority for your coat in the queue at the garderobe either


well we will just have to console ourselves in the pub afterwards.


You in a pub. Never!


Sarah,I am only visiting pubs in Prague so i can write a report about them on this forum.

normally you would never find me in one!

I do believe they serve alcohol in them,I wonder what it tastes like?


so good of you to provide a public service by testing the pubs out on our behalf. No idea on the alcohol front let me know if you think I%26#39;ll like it!


I sur will sarah....I know it is a lousy job ,but someone has to do it.

I just wish someone would pay me!


I%26#39;ll fight you for it! Wonder what sort of hourly rate we can charge for testing pubs?


Seriously, you can apply to the Prague City Council to act as a dummy to test out restaurants and pubs to see if you are being ripped off and that the pub is obeying licensing laws etc. They need foreigners to pose as tourists because when the local inspectors come in, they can spot them a mile

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