Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Private Messages

Can members send a PM to one another? if so, how do you do it please?


Isuppose you need the persons e mail address first,I have seen people putting their addresses on posts


what nI do is create a hotmail addy for that person to reply to,once you are sure the are %26quot;bono fide%26quot; you can thenpass your normal addy on to them and delete the hotmail addy.I have done this on a number of ocassions.If some of the %26quot;loonies%26quot; on Trip Advisor (and there are many) get a hold of a hotmail addy then it should case you no major harm.



Great minds think alike, I do exactly the same thing.



Jackie ,you must have Scottish blood in you.


I only wanted to PM a couple of people to give them a link to a forum I am a moderator on.

Its a friendly forum, lots of chat and also lots of freebies to send for. (Thats why i can afford these hols lol)

Just wondered if anyone was interested, but wasn%26#39;t sure if I can post the link.

here it is anyway


come and say hello

quiz on on friday night with prizes

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