Friday, March 30, 2012

Opera and changing money

Could you please advise us how formally (or not) you need to dress for the opera at the Prague State Opera or National Theatre; we are hoping to go during our visit later this month. Where is the best place to book?

Also is it easy to change sterling? We took enough korunas last time so didn%26#39;t think to take notice!

Thanks for any information.


Business suit / office wear is entirely suitable unless you are going to a premiere. Indeed, many people go in business casual also these days.

National Theatre website is State opera website is One of the main ticket offices is Bohemia Tickets International

Easy to change sterling anywhere in Prague, but many people on this forum have said that either buying Czech crowns in the UK or obtaining Czech crowns by ATM in Prague is often cheaper than exchanging Sterling for crowns when you get here


Thanks peb7-would boots be considered ok for this time of year? and sorry, I didn%26#39;t mean where to buy them before we go, although have seen the websites -is it not cheaper to get the tickets there?

Thanks again.


Boots are probably a must for this time of year, but don%26#39;t bring your best one%26#39;s and make sure they have a good sole and grip.

Opera tickets on the websites above are the same price as in the box offices when you get here, as the websites above are the official outlets

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