Thursday, April 12, 2012

peb 7 help please


am leaving info for mum who is looking after brood while we have a much needed kid free break !

Can you tell me how she would dial the hotel from the uk (int dialing codes etc)

The hotels phone number is + 420 724 577 590 as printed on web site

Is this the full number or is there a code in front

Many thanks


this is a full number with code bye prika


Many thanks for your help


hotel phone number sounds like a mobile number. Most fixed line numbers in Prague start with the numbers +420 22


New Hotel - Yasmin on Politickych -



The number you have there is the pre-opening number, I%26#39;ve just look at the hotel website and the number shown for after opening is +420 234 100 100

The best way to dial this from a standard UK telephone is:

00 420 234 100 100, and if there is a problem with that, try

0042 234 100 100.

You could try phoning before you go to see which format works best.

Have a good trip



Thanks Jackie

Any comments on the hotel if you know of it ?



yasmin is a new hotel, which means you have the added benefit of it being clean and unused. Politichych Vesnu is a fairly bland and dark street running parrallel to Wenceslas Sqaure and about 15 minutes walk to the old town. Make sure you write a report on it as it is new


I have just looked at the andel 3 w travel website for this hotel cant wait to hear what you think of it ,it looks fantastic,certainly different!!

Have a great time



Looks amazing doesn%26#39;t it - got a great deal through Lastminute - off on the 15th can%26#39;t wait (Prague virgins) just hubbie and me -no kids for 3 glorious nights of food and drink. Will write a full report on hotel when return. There is an entrance to the hotel from Wencleslas Square so while hubbie is working out in the gym I will hit the shoe shops. Thanks for all you help and advise


dont expect to buy much. Cheap shoes fall apart in a month and the top ranges are 50% more expensive than you can buy in the UK

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