Tuesday, April 17, 2012



I%26#39;ve just printed off all the advice you%26#39;ve given me re present for Lucie%26#39;s gran.

You needn%26#39;t worry about me ever slagging off Eastern Europe, I%26#39;ve been to impressed with it. British misconceptions of the new EU member states still amaze me.




On tea, Czechs like fruit teas not heavy teas such as Ceylon. Also teabags rather than tealeaves; as not many have teapots



You%26#39;ve given me an idea, my son is giving a concert at Windsor Castle, maybe he could liberate a tea pot, thereby definitely getting one with the royal seal. On second thoughts it%26#39;s a bad idea, we don%26#39;t want to end up in the Tower of London.

English China Teapot, paid for rather than acquired by nefarious means, would that be a good gift? Complete with Tetley Tea Bags.



Twinings rather than Tetley


Nay lad I%26#39;m a Yorkshire lass not a Southern softie. It%26#39;s tea yer can stand yer spoon in or nowt at all


thought you lived in Bognor. There is not much further south than that



I left the North to civilise the South some 30 years ago and in some ways my job is almost done. But I will bow to your greater knowledge of the people of the Czech Republic and buy the wishy washy stuff you refer to as Twinings Tea.

I live in Shoreham by Sea by the way, Bognor was just a dream destination I took my kids to.



From one Yorkshire lass to another, I brought a southern softie up here to be educated in the ways of life. He%26#39;s getting there.... slowly.


Hi Sara

Many years ago I took on a southerner, but he escaped to Preston? We had two kids and the second one had the opportunity to go to a boarding school in the north and he jumped at it, he%26#39;s still up there, the other one went to America. So now I only have my current partner and step children to educate in our civilised ways. He is learning but it%26#39;s slow going, two steps forward and one back. He almost answered me back the other day!!

Good luck with your training




What was he thinking???? and how dare he? (at least I%26#39;ve nipped that one in the bud!)

Having said that I%26#39;ve just booked my own birthday surprise trip (under instruction to do so, %26quot;cos you get all the best deals hun!%26quot;). I mean I even gave him a list of suitable places to take me as a surprise! Where did I get him from?



Well better one you can tell what to do and where to go than one with his own mind:)


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