Thursday, April 19, 2012

Pivovarsky Dum

We are staying on Kampa Island. Does anyone know how far this place is from there and whether a table can be booked in advance in the restaurant


It%26#39;s not far from Karlova Namesti in a street called Liliova. It%26#39;s no problem to walk the distance (20 minuts?). For reservation see this link:

Olympia in Vitezna street, a Pilsner Urquell restaurant with excellent draught beer, it%26#39;s not far from Kampa. Try the roosted duck or boar! See this link:…


Lipova not Liliova. Liliova is near the old town square. Best way to get there is take the 22 or 23 tram from Malostranske namesti and get off at Stepansksa, the stop after Namesti Miru. Cross over the road (so you walk up the hill with the traffic), and Pivivarsky Dum is on the next corner.

Advisable to book, as it gets very popular


Thanks Peb for leaving the correct adress! But still the distance is walkable!


Wouldn%26#39;t walk to Pivovarky Dum from Kampa. Would take 30 to 40 minutes and the road up Jecna is one of the busiest in Prague

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