Sunday, April 15, 2012

Why are there no trip reports on this forum?

I%26#39;m spoiled by the vast number of trip reports on the Paris, London and NYC forums -it would be nice to see more detailed trip reports of what people found that they liked and disliked in Prague.

Just a thought.


If all the posts on prague are of my frame of mind, the reason there are no dislikes on the forum is because PRAGUE is wonderful most of the time and if anything is not good you just ignore it.



Search for Sarahdaly or Sandpearl and you%26#39;ll be up to your eyeballs in trip reports.

My trip report is at I came, I stayed. The trip continues......



Jason - thanks for the tips re sarah and sandpearl - just what I was looking for.

And your web site is one of the gems of the travel world - discovered it months ago. You are to be congratulated for the breadth and depth of your site.

Thanks again.



I%26#39;m beyond trip reporting for Prague I want it to be my second home, well I thought I did until we saw the rest of the country now I can%26#39;t decide. So anyway I%26#39;ll be retiring shortly after my 30th birthday and moving over (I can dream, can%26#39;t I?).

We got married in Prague last year then spent 3 weeks touring the country and currently our next trip will be for New Year unless I can find a mega bargain before, staying at the Riverside. We%26#39;ve technically been 6 times now, and I%26#39;m on Prague withdrawl as our last visit was September 2005. I%26#39;m sooo jealous of Peb, Jason and Martina spending every day in the most beautiful place in the world.

What don%26#39;t I like about Prague?

The stag do%26#39;s I wish they%26#39;d just stick to Amsterdam, however I suppose they%26#39;ll find somewhere new and cheap soon. I%26#39;m also not overly keen on Wenceslas Square, too commercial and too much like the large city I work in. Not what I go to Prague for.

Anyway shout up if I can help in any other way.



Thanks Sarah - I read extensively before making a trip and your comments re the stag/hen excursions and Wenceslas Square match everything I have read to date. In fact we picked the dates for our trip to Prague and then Budapest largely to avoid the frat party atmosphere. Frankly, I don%26#39;t get it, but that%26#39;s another forum all together.

We are staying at the Alchymist and will be attending the Prague Symphony at Municipal House, Magic Flute at the State Opera, Aida at the National, and the Czech Philharmonic at the Rudolfinum.

We will visit the Old Jewish Cemetery and quarter, Old Town, Mala Strana, and Hradcany, the palaces and gardens, the wonderful churches and synagogues,and museums, particularly the Loreto, Mucha, Sternberg and National.

And we will walk endlessly through the streets of this beautiful city.

If you have any suggestions for

unique restaurants, favorite cafes, special museums/monuments/historic sites, etc I would love to hear more.

I have been to several cities in Russia, and have been in Zagreb, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Crotia but never the Czech Republic or Hungary. We can%26#39;t wait for the trip to start.



I am getting jealous just reading all the things you are going to do and see in prague, enjoy




As a church addict must sees St Nicholas on the lesser, the big green dome on Mala Strana. It is possibly my favourite church so far in the world, we pop in everytime we visit. (mind you I think La Sagrada in Barcelona will by vying for a top position if they ever get it finished, but again different topic). St Vitus is beautiful for the stained glass. I also think the church with the Child of Prague in is worth a visit if purely to look at its dress collection (name escapes me at the minute and not got my map handy). The is also a church with a really unusual clock on by the metro stop near the TV tower (JzP) not so impressive inside. I also think the TV tower is worth a visit for the babies.

Love the view from half way up Petrin hill, then upto the hunger wall which really makes you think. Vysherad is beautiful and usually peaceful and quiet when the rest of Prague is busy. Get the metro down unless you like walking up steep hills. We also discovered the botanical gardens on our last visit, again pretty and peaceful.

We%26#39;ve only been to the Jewish cemetary once I have to admit I found it difficult. We%26#39;re going to Krakow and Auschwitz in March I think that%26#39;s going to be a rough day.

A few of my favourties when it comes to eating are La Perle (, for upmarket and expensive by Prague standards. For lunch and a few beers I like Kolkovna, on the corner of V Kolkovne about 5 minutes from Old Town Square. Mala Strana side theres a few good places round St Nicolas (Jo%26#39;s bar is cheap and cheerful) and also up Nerudova (another steep hill). I also like the purple and green painted place near the Uzjed tram stop at the bottom of Petrin (name escapes me). On our next visit we will probably be trying the blue duckling (U modre knaciky(sp?) despite recent bad review on service and also Peklo (hell) near the Strahov monastry.

Sorry its long but you got me started on Prague!



I love it! Thnaks for the inspiration - I come from the school that says you simply can%26#39;t get enough education about a visit - so you%26#39;re feeding my habit ;-)


look for my report soon.I will be in prague 3rd-10th march.also visiting Kutna Hora and Plzen. will be concentating more on the old beerhalls and brewery pubs,opera and folk music and football.I have been to prague several times before and will not be spending much time at the usual tourist hotspots,but will not ignore them.

now where did I put my Euros?



Didn%26#39;t you spend all of them in Tesco???


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