Tuesday, April 17, 2012

7 day Transport Ticket

Can someone please confirm that the 7 day public transport pass (280CZK) can be used on the bus and metro system as many times as you wish over the 7 day period. I need to know to avoid panic setting in! Thank you


Bus, Metro, and the funicular up Petrin Hill.

Unlimited use in Prague itself. It does not get you to the airport.


I think if you use public transport as in airport bus and metro from Dejvicka then it does. I may be wrong but I think I recall Peb sayng it did. However we usually use the Cedaz as it isn%26#39;t overly expensive



The 7 day ticket DOES give you unlimited use of public transport in Prague and it most definitely takes you as far as the airport.

We always buy our ticket at the airport kiosk and start using it immediately.

You can use it for whichever bus you need to get to the nearest metro and then on the metro.

The main thing is you must validate it as soon as you start your first journey, there are machines on the bus and you just punch your ticket. For a 7 day ticket this only needs to happen on your very first journey of the week and the 7 days run from that moment.

Have a nice trip



You can use it for the P,0 and 1 zones which is pretty much everywhere you will want. Also you do not need a luggage ticket if you use a 7 day pass.




We are just now in Prague, from Feb. 19th to Feb 26.

In Prague there has been two sunny days and spring like weather (in Finns opinion, looked like beginning of May in Helsinki)

The ticets are available in all Metro stations and there are clear advices how to buy 3 day 230 kr or 7 day 280 kr . It is worht buing a 7 day ticket and enjoy life. The ticket must be stamped once, the first time you use it. After that one may march into the tram, Metro and the mountaintrain.

Todey we had the first time an official checking the tickets. Some 5 americans were ticketed with some 4000/5000 kr. Boy, were we happy to have 280 kr 7/day tickets in our pockets. Boy how the Yankees talked!

Best wishes for all.

Jukka Selenius, Helsinki, Finland



Thanks to all who have posted with advice, it is very much appreciated. However, it was our intention to buy at the airport and use immediately which Jackie says can be done but photojkb says can%26#39;t. Would either like to clarify please? Thank you


I think perhaps I was mistaken about not using it to the airport - certainly the local experts - Sova, Peb 7 - will know the correct answer here.



We%26#39;ve been three times and bought the 7 day ticket for the last two visits at the airport and used it straight away. We%26#39;re coming for another visit on the 23rd April and will probably do the same again.



Just to clarrify. You can buy a 3 or 7 day ticket at the Prague Transport Authoirty offices at both terminals at the airport and you can use this on all Prague Transport Authority buses with the exception of the Airport Express bus which goes to Nadrazi Holesovice.

Jason is also correct in that if you buy a 3 or 7 day pass, you do not need to purchase and extra 10 crown ticket for your luggage

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