Tuesday, April 17, 2012

guide to czk money query


ok i dont get czeck money i know 100 hellers is 1 crown but if i say bought somethin at 25 czk. paid with a 100 czk note id get 70 in notes back and 500 hellers in change lot of change as thers no 5 czk note.


please help me understand the coins



it must be a least 12 years since I had hellers in my change,you will be very unlikley to see any,as their value is so low.

there are lots of 1,5,10 and 20 Czk coins about and thats what you will get as change



thanks for your reply unclegus

ok so id get back 70 in notes and a 5o kc coin is that right


Most likely you would get a 50 Kc note, 20 Kc coin and a 5 Kc coin. But you could also get 70 Kc all in coins.



thanks for your prompt reply

ok so the kc coins can be the same as notes

like a 20kc coin is the sane as 20 kc note so on


go to www.livingprague.com there is a section there that explains the money and also has photos of the notes.

Ignore Hellers as I very much doubt you will every see any.


The site explains about the notes but, not specifically the coins. It%26#39;s a bit simpler now anyway. Last year they phased out the 10h and 20h coins so, only the 50h remains from the really small stuff and you would not get more than one in any change. There is a 20kc note but, it is a pretty rare sight now and the 20kc coin has taken over.



You get a 50 crown note back (sometimes you see a 50 crown two coloured coin). Other coins you see are 20, 10, 5, 2, and 1 (never seen a 20 crown note) and a 50 heller coin you play tiddleywinks with.

As Jason says, if you buy something for 19.90 crowns, the shop rounds it up and charges you 20 crowns (technically this is illegal and the main retail companies must make huge extra profits if they do this for every customer that comes in

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