Tuesday, April 17, 2012

andel's hotel prague

thank you for replying,however i disagree the location is not the reason andels is a first class hotel location has very little to do with it check other first class hotels in prague you will see they all are not in the center but cost more andels web site is www.summit hotels.com this is a bit unusual use your american express card to pay your bill and you will be guaranteed upgraded tax and breakfast included even if i jst get the superior for l35 euros its an excellent deal but why are they doing this???is it so you will use the american express card ?????


Amex often arrange special offers on hotels. They want to encourage people to use their cards (they earn money when people do). Hotels are often happy, as with an %26quot;offer%26quot;, people who would not otherwise stay do.

As said on the other post, if you can master the tram or metro, Andels is not too far out. It is a modern hotel in a modern area and for some people that does not represent what they think of Prague, as opposed to staying in a hotel in say Mala Strana.

Against that, the reviews of Andels in the reviews section of this site are very good



Although I don%26#39;t have an American Express card I have taken advantage of their upgrade offers in the past by just telling hotels that I have the card. I did this at Disneyland Paris and was upgraded from 2 star cowboy hotel to the 4 star hotel New York. When I paid the bill nobody asked for the Amex card, luckily for me.

If you have the card fine, but if not just ask for the upgrade, what%26#39;s the worst they can say?

Enjoy your trip


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