Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Brewery Tours

We are planning to travel to Czech Rep this summer and also plan to go on several brewery tours. We are planning on going to the Staropramen brewery, Plzen, Budvar, Kozel and maybe one in Cesky Krumlov. I%26#39;m wondering, since there are only 2 in our group, will we need to book in advance or can we just walk in and join a prescheduled tour?



The Eggenberg brewery in Krumlov is well worth it. We paid at the tourist office about an hour before the tour started.

I was slightly disappointed with the Budvar one as we%26#39;d extended our stay in Budejovice to go on the planned English tour, turned up with time to spare to be told that actually there was more demand for the German tour that day so they were doing a German one.

We%26#39;re planning to do Staropramen on our next visit. Unclegus has been to Plzen before and can advise better then I can, although I do believe you have to pre book it.

There is also a website of smaller brewery tours in Prague, again ask Unclegus.


it is best to contact breweries before you visit as they have different visiting rules.

www.staropramen.com for the Staropramen brewery in Prague.I have done the tour and it is a bit industrial,but a fine informative visit,the brewery resturant is quite good too.

www.prazdroj.cz is the link to the brewery in Plzen ,which brews Pilsner Urquell,Gambrinus,Radegast and possibly a few others.I was there in 2002 but there has been a new visitor centre built and I will be visiting again in about 2 weeks time.

the brewing indusrty is the Czech Republic has gone through a lot of changes recently ,with possibly more to come ,and I find it difficult to keep up with the changes.The resturant Na Spilce in the Plzen brewery is very good and every effort should be made to eat there.There is also a brewing museum in Plzen and a guided visit to this can be arrange with your brewery visit,or you can visit it on your own.

www.classiccitybrew.com/prague will give you a list of brewery pubs and beerhall in Prague and visits to the micro-breweries can be arrange some with some without appointment.if you search this site there are links to beerhalls and micro breweries in other parts of the Czech Republic

I will be in the Czech Republic from 3rd -10th March so should have more information for you when i get back,look out for my report.


Thanks, I look forward to hearing about your experience.

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