Sunday, April 15, 2012

many,many thanks

I leave for Prague tomorrow.I would like to thank the many people who gave freely of their time and knowledge to give me the information I needed to organise this holiday.Special mention to Martina,Jason (sova) and peb7 who%26#39;s information is always excellent(peb thanks for all the info on football).

thanks to all the people who asked the questions I didn%26#39;t even think of,and to all the people who replied to them.

and to Sarah for reminding me of how much alcohol I drink.

I intend to have a great time in Prague and will post a report when i get back.

Once again Thanks.


have a great time Mate, Im off in two weeks time myself!


Panto,hopefully i will have written a report before you go.thats if I sober up in time.


Not enough?????


uncle gus, you know so much about prague, why dont you write the report on your visit before you go, you can then drink as much as you like without having to remember later

enjoy I know you will



dozydai,I have decided to take a note book with me this time,and write down all the bars and resturants i go to.

I can%26#39;t remeber the names of the places I go to in Edinburgh never mind anywhere else,and beofre any one says it.I know i am getting old.Thanks for the little titbits of info dave ,very much appreciated.



Still very cold here (not much above freezing) and won%26#39;t warm up much over the weekend, so come prepared. But then you probably have more snow in Edinburgh than we have in Prague, so just bring what you will wear outside your front door



old is what you are when you get to my age,

dont forget to write the names down before you go into the pubs???,

Brill idea writing it all down, i keep meaning to do it when we go on hols and forget, will do it when we go to penang in june, if only for my report on tp



Peb ,Edinburgh has escaped the snow,though it is very cold -7 last night,so we are well prepared for the cold,have even packed the hermal underwear.


Have a nice trip! Yes, remember to write down the pub names. Don%26#39;t forget the Tiger at Husova and The Hippo at Thunovska (Mala Strana). These spots are the two best Urquell pubs in Prague.


Kolkovna have opened a new pub, across the river from the National theatre on Vitezna street. Next to the newly refurbished cafe savoy

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