Thursday, April 19, 2012

spending money for prague trip- how much do i need?

me and my girlfriend to prague in 2 weeks, we will be there for 3 nights,(we are age 22/23 years old) i was just wondering how much people think we should take to spend our trip. i was thinking about £160 approx

can any one advise me?




Does that include accommodation? If so then no it%26#39;s noot enough, but if you eat carefully and use public transport I guess you will manage with that.



Not including lodging, we%26#39;ve figured about $50US per person per day eating out 2 meals (and drinking lots of beer!). If all your meals must be deluxe, of course more. If you avoid expensive entertainment and like pub food, you can go for a lot less. Avoid Old Town Square pubs, anything with an Irish/British/American theme, and the Wenceslas Square if you want to save a lot of money. Almost all pubs/bars restaurants have beer and food prices posted outside - do some window shopping.


We have just come back from Prague as a family of 4 and spent 200.00 for 3 days.This includes taxi to and from airport (approx 25.00 there and back) A visit to the museam of commusion 12.50. And presents for the kids 22.50. We walked everywhere, had breakfast at the hotel and had dinner and evening meal out. We ate mainly local food which is lovely and never ate at the main resort roads. The only thing I wish we had done is take a walking tour as we kept getting very lost because of all the side roads on our last day we noticed that the clock tower is just off Wen Square, the day before we walked about an hour to get to it, you can really walk round it circles. Watch your meal bills as well one meal of 6 irish coffees, 2 pancakes and one normal coffee plus 2 iced teas cost us 50 pounds! But this was the only place that overcharged the rest was very resonable and the beer is lovely and very cheap

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