Friday, March 23, 2012

First Timers Needing Advice

My husband and I are considering visiting Prague this fall and would like some advice. We are late 20%26#39;s, not partiers but enjoy bars with a nice atmosphere. We really enjoy exploring historical areas as well as quirky shops and beautiful scenery. It would be my husband%26#39;s first time in Europe and my second time. Is the Czech Republic a good choice for our first visit together? It looks like there is a great culture to explore.

I have read a few things which have made me sort of wonder...such as that service is bad and that Prague is over-run with tourists and pick-pockets.

So, any help would be greatly appreciated!


My family and I found Prague to be a wonderful sightseeing adventure. We went in April. The tourist season not yet realized therefore, no concern with crowds. We found the service to be wonderful. Be careful with the transit system. I was fined (US dollars)on the spot for not having purchased the correct amount from their automatic ticket system.

I would suggest that for first time travelers, London is the place to go. True it%26#39;s more expensive then Prague, but much easier to navagate. If you watch your hotel lodging and daily food cost, London can be very reasonable. Many of the attractions are free.

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