Friday, March 23, 2012

finding a good resturant


I%26#39;m due to come to Prague in June, I want to find a top Restaurant with good modern surroundings,good food and relaxed atmosphere for me and 11 friends to celebrate a 40th birthday!!

It would great if anyone could help find a great restaurant for me.

many thanks


I was in Prague last August.

Someone recommended a restaurant called Kampa Park, It%26#39;s on Kampa Island just under the Charles Bridge.

It was a really beautiful setting, great meal ect.

Coming from NYC I found it pretty reasonably priced as well, As I would think you would coming from London. I remember when my friend and I payed the bill we commented to one another that a similar meal in NYC would have been double.

As beautiful as I found it, It%26#39;s pretty nice sitting out along the river with The Charles Bridge above you, It was not at all stuffy.

Think casual Chic.

I hope you enjoy it if you decide to go.


I fully agree. Kampa Park is part of a chain,, have a look. Their restaurant Hergetova Ciehelna has a spectacular terrace, so does Cowboys.

Barock and Pravda on Parizska are very hip also.


I had my wedding reception at La Perle in the dancing building, which is beautiful. or you could have a look on for other ideas.


I also think Kampa Park is a fantastic restaurant. Perfect for a 40th birthday. Great food, amazing view of The Charles Bridge and not too formal. Make sure you book a table on the terrace. Ate there last year and have booked already to go in April. Another nice retaurant is Hergetova Cihelna. Also run by the same group as Kampa Park. Check out the website -

Enjoy Prague, its superb.

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